Dr. Ellen Hotchkiss
Lakeside High School, Columbia County, Ga
Office Hours: Before school, 4th period, after school
Schedule & Google Classroom Codes
(Will be posted by Monday, Aug 5)
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th-
Biology: 4jx5klo
Remind: @kaeb3k
5th- Environmental Science: 36htbbl
Remind: @dhdh4b
Tutoring with SNHS on Mondays & Thursdays in Rooms 303/226
& by appointment w/ Dr. Hotchkiss
Required Supplies:
Binder to keep up with Notes/papers
Paper for binder (will not be provided)
Colored pencils
Notecards (optional)
Planner (optional- highly encouraged)