Dr. Natalie Cason: DRAMA

Preferred Methods of Contact:

1. Email: natalie.cason@ccboe.net

2. Google Voice Text/Call: 706-750-9788

3. Harlem Middle School Office: 706-556-5990 Ext. 5832


(All are welcome to text and call through Google Voice; your text will go straight to my phone and my computer.)

Dear Students,

This year, I am looking forward to our classroom adventures exploring drama and performing arts together. I can't wait to see your smiling and inquisitive faces every day.

It's going to be a GREAT year as we grow together and share our passion for the love of learning.

See you in class,

Dr. Cason 

Cason Class Agenda.pptx


Click on the above image.

Click on the Google Classroom image above for a TUTORIAL on how to add classes. 

Remember to use YOUR class code!

For Google Classroom Help, CLICK HERE: 


Regular Bell Schedule

7:30-8:20 7th Grade

8:23-9:13 7th Grade

9:16-9:50 Planning

9:53-10:43 8th Grade

10:47-11:37 8th Grade

11:40-12:40 Planning

12:42-1:32 6th Grade

1:35-2:30 6th Grade 

Google Classroom Codes: Will be given in class, first.

Adults: Please sign in as your student. He or she knows the specific CCBOE sign-in information. You are also able to download a Google Classroom app for your phone, tablet, and/or computer. OR, you can complete this Google Form: 


and I will add you as a "Guardian" on your child's Google Account. This will allow you to see your child's progress, grades, etc.

Then, when I make posts to the site, you will receive a notification.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I'm looking forward to a fantastic school year. Thank you for sharing your child with me :)  

Virtual Open House Video 

Google Classroom codes will be given to students their first week of class.  

Grading Policy

Formative Assessments 40% of each Nine Weeks' Average

Evaluates student’s progress over content standards; designed specifically to provide detailed feedback on content areas in preparation for summative assessments.  

Summative Assessments  60% of each Nine Weeks' Average  

Given to evaluate student’s  proficiency and mastery over content standards.

Common District Assessment/Benchmarks  TBD

Given at the end of the nine weeks. 

School Supplies Needed for Class

Three-ring Binder (one or two inch; dividers if preferred)

Loose Leaf Paper

Earbuds with Microphone

Clip Board

Pens,  Pencils, and Highlighters

Fun-Colored Expo Markers (Dry Erase)

Colored Post-it Notes

Index Cards: Differing Sizes

(Please donate: Paper towels; Clorox Wipes; Hand Sanitizer; Tissue; Popcorn Kernels; Popcorn Popping Oil)