
Columbia County Gifted Program

Intelligent people are always ready to learn. Their ears are open for knowledge. 

Proverbs 18:15

What is Horizons?

Horizons is the Columbia County Elementary Gifted Program. Here at BPE, 2nd grade gifted students come to Horizons every day for 45 minutes. 3rd-5th grade students come from 9:35 until bus call, with breaks for lunch, recess, and encore. All Horizons students receive enrichment units, advanced content lessons, gifted level math problem solving, and higher order thinking activities based on the Columbia County Gifted Standards. Want to learn more? Click HERE!

BPE Perennial Math 

WALL OF FAME 2023-2024

Connor Ryckeley - 5th grade

Alyssa Vaden - 4th grade


Sharing Ideas

Engaging Learners

Inspiring Minds

Challenging Activities

Important Dates

Aug 3 First Day of SchoolAugust 7 First Day of HorizonsSept 1 Early Release: NO HORIZONSSept 4 Labor Day: NO SCHOOLSept 15 Mrs. Arrington Absent: NO HORIZONSOct 9-10 Fall Break for Students: NO SCHOOLOct 23-24 5th Grade Horizons Field Trip to Rock EagleNov 10 Veterans Day: NO SCHOOLNov 14 Spelling Bee: NO HORIZONSNov 20-24 Thanksgiving Break: NO SCHOOLDec 19 Early Release: NO HORIZONSDec 20-Jan 3 Christmas Break: NO SCHOOLJan 9 Horizons Report Cards Go HomeJan 15 MLK, Jr. Holiday: NO SCHOOLFeb 16 Teacher Work Day: NO SCHOOLFeb 19 President's Day: NO SCHOOLMar 1 Early Release: NO HORIZONSMar 4 Student/Teacher Holiday: NO SCHOOLApril 8-15 Spring Break: NO SCHOOLMay 22 Early Release: NO HORIZONS

Mrs. Arrington's Contact Info

Christa Arrington


706.447.2115 (work)

706.840.1592 (cell)