A Note from the Counseling Staff

Dear CES Families,

We know that this is a very challenging time for many families. As we navigate our lives in this new reality (protecting and providing for our families, social distancing, home instruction, etc.) we may experience feelings of anxiety, fear, and isolation, to name a few. Children might experience the same feelings, but often express them in different ways than adults do (acting out, somatic complaints, withdrawal) making it more difficult to recognize and address.

We want to make sure that you know you are not alone. If you or a loved one experiences a mental health crisis or needs to speak to a counselor, here are a few local resources you may contact:

Please know that our counselors are available to all students and parents during school hours. If you have a question/concern or would like to speak to someone in relation to social/emotional functioning during this difficult time, please reach out and one of us will get back to you.

We will get through it together while supporting our community and one another.

Please stay safe and healthy.


Your CES Counseling Staff:

~ Ela Kessel ekessel@catskillcsd.org

~ Jen Osswald josswald@catskillcsd.org

~ Marlene Merchant mmerchan@catskillcsd.org

~ Vanessa Adair vadair@catskillcsd.org

♥ We Love and Miss Our Students! ♥