Work Based Learning opportunities 


An internship is a work-based learning experience where a student participates in the daily operations at a work site under the direct supervision of a business mentor.  Career, teaching, and service internships are available to qualified high school students.  Service internships are available to eligible students in grades 9-12 during the school year and summer.  Qualifying juniors and seniors have the opportunity to participate in a career or teaching internship during the school day for course credit upon successful completion.  

Our school's internship coordinator is: Mrs. Isenhour-Essary

For more information and to fill out an application for the 2023-2024 school year, please click here!

For more information and to visit the county CTE page, please click this link to view their website.


Students accepted into the Apprenticeship program must be at least 16 years of age and interested in learning a skilled occupation.  Students in this program are paid and can earn high school course credit toward graduation.

For more information, please click this link to view their website.