I cannot choose but adhere to the word of God, which has possession of my conscience; nor can I possibly, nor will I even make any recantation, since it is neither safe nor honest to act contrary to conscience!  Here I stand; I cannot do otherwise, so help me God!  Amen.

Martin Luther

Catalina Lutheran Church
Men's Bible Study

At the Men's Bible Study (MBS), we delve into the pericopes (cuttings from scripture) appointed for the upcoming Sunday within the One-Year Lectionary.  We study the context and deeper meanings of these texts (often with help from the original Hebrew and Greek).  We discuss why these pericopes were chosen, how they are interconnected and point to Christ and the cross, and highlight the present-day applications of God's unchanging word to bring us forgiveness, life, and salvation.

News and Events

Welcome to the Catalina Lutheran Church Men's Bible Study page!

Our next MBS is coming up this weekend on Saturday (7/12/2024).  Please join us to study the pericopes for the Seventh Sunday after Trinity.

The MBS is on the Catalina Lutheran Church calendar for the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month.

Fellowship: 8:00 - 8:30 am
Bible Study: 8:30 - 9:30 am

We meet both physically at and virtually from:

Catalina Lutheran Church
15855 N Twin Lakes Drive
Tucson, AZ 85739

Since this is a public site, please email me at boyd.trolinger@catalinalutheran.org if you need the virtual Zoom link.

Click on the Google folder link below to download MBS materials:

In truth you cannot read too much in Scripture; and what you read you cannot read too carefully, and what you read carefully you cannot understand too well, and what you understand well you cannot teach too well, and what you teach well you cannot live too well.

Martin Luther