D26 Tech Procedures
Technology Education Frameworks and Pedagogy
Digital Citizenship - Internet Safety
Media Balance Is Important
How do we find a happy balance between our online and offline activities?
Students will be able to:
- Know when and why to take breaks from device time.
- Consider the feelings of people around them, even when engaged in fun online activities.
The Power of the Internet
How do you go places safely online?
Students will be able to:
- Discover that the internet can be used to visit faraway places and learn new things.
- Compare how staying safe online is similar to staying safe in the real world.
- Explain rules for traveling safely on the internet.
First Grade
Pause and Think Online
How can we be safe, responsible, and respectful online?
Students will be able to:
- Understand the importance of being safe, responsible, and respectful online.
- Learn the "Pause & Think Online" song to remember basic digital citizenship concepts.
Internet Traffic Light
How do you stay safe when visiting a website or app?
Students will be able to:
- Understand that being safe online is similar to staying safe in real life.
- Learn to identify websites and apps that are "just right" and "not right"for them.
- Know how to get help from an adult if they are unsure about a website.
Second Grade
We, the Digital Citizens
How can we be good digital citizens?
Students will be able to:
-Understand that being a good digital citizen means being safe and responsible online.
-Take a pledge to be a good digital citizen.
That’s Private!
What kinds of information should I keep to myself when I use the internet?
Students will be able to:
- Recognize the kind of information that is private.
- Understand that they should never give out private information online.
Third Grade
Password Power-Up
How can a strong password help protect your privacy?
Students will be able to:
- Define the term "password" and describe a password's purpose.
- Understand why a strong password is important.
- Practice creating a memorable and strong password.
Fourth Grade
Private and Personal Information
What information about you is OK to share online?
Students will be able to:
-Identify the reasons why people share information about themselves online.
- Explain the difference between private and personal information.
- Explain why it is risky to share private information online.
Fifth Grade
You Won't Believe This!
What is clickbait and how can you avoid it?
Students will be able to:
- Define "the curiosity gap."
- Explain how clickbait uses the curiosity gap to get your attention.
- Use strategies for avoiding clickbait.