Military Families
New to the area? There are changes to the registration process due to COVID-19. Please contact Ms. Nicole Squires, Data Manager at (252)247-2448 to obtain more information.
Pre-deployment or post-deployment leave coming up? Please contact Ms. Nicole Squires, Data Manager at (252)247-2448 regarding needed documentation and the approval process for absences. Documentation is needed prior to the leave dates in order for the days to be considered an excused absence.
Click the link above for a printable copy.
Access and complete Carteret County Schools Registration Packet.
You will need:
Proof of Residency
Birth Certificate
Immunization Record
Prior School Information
Most recent report card
Custody papers (if applicable)
Contact Ms. Nicole Squires if you have any questions with registration or would like to schedule an appointment. 252-247-2448
Request Tour of the school
Contact Military School Liaison officers if any other concerns arise.
Get excited to be a member of the Morehead City Primary Sandcastle!
Notify Morehead City Primary Data Manager, Ms. Nicole Squires that your child will be leaving at least two weeks in advance.
Request official transcripts
Before the child's last day, ensure that you have the following documentation
Most current report card
Any additional paperwork - this would include medical, IEP, 504, AIG.
If you are PCSing overseas, please contact Ms. Nicole Squires to coordinate transfer of records
Find out the latest date your child can check out of school and still receive full credit.
Ask if credits can be completed after they leave the school district.
Request work that your child can do to keep current during the transfer.
Ms. Nicole Squires - Morehead City Primary School Data Manager: 252-247-2448
Mrs. Stephanie Jones- Point of Contact for Morehead City Primary School: 252-247-2448
Mrs. Liz Sharkan- Morehead City Primary School Counselor: 252-247-2448
Mr. Ernest Pendleton- Morehead City Primary School Counselor: 252-247-2448
School Liaison Officer (Cherry Point): 252-466-7658
School Liaison Officer (Camp Lejeune): 910-449-9749/9915
Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP; Camp Lejeune): 910-451-4394
Family Member Employment Assistance Program (FEMAP; Camp Lejeune): 910-450-1676
Carteret County School Policy: Children of Military Families
Powerschool: Allows parents to access child's grades, attendance, and more!
Carteret County Parks & Recreation: A guide to different activities offered in the county.
Morehead City Parks & Recreation: A guide to activities offered in Morehead City.
Please call to schedule a visit, but you can also view MCPS through the link below.