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Forms and Tools
The NCDPI External Implementation Guide is a repository for all North Carolina Standard Course of Study (NCSOS) stakeholders. This repository provides a variety of resources for supporting administrators, educators, and parents during the implementation of the current Standard Course of Study for each content area. The range of resources offers users an opportunity to determine their own specific needs and find materials that suit them.
Upcoming 2024-2025 Writing PD Series
To support integration of writing across disciplines, the ELA Team will offer four webinars in the 2024-2025 school year, covering the following topics:
Teaching Grammar in Context (September 12);
Teaching Vocabulary in the Context of Writing (November 7);
Writing in Response to Reading (March 20); and
Time-Constrained Writing (April 10).
Registration is now open for this series. To register, view the flyer! Participants who attend at least three out of the four sessions within this series will earn a 24-25 Writing Series badge.


LIS in the Content Areas

2024-2025 Testing Schedule
MCLASS Benchmarks
BOY Window 9/3-9/23
MOY Window 1/8-1/31
EOY Window 5/1-5/21
Fastbridge and STAR Benchmarks
BOY Window Sept.
MOY Window Jan.
EOY Window May
NC Check-Ins (Recommended Windows):
1st Window: November 4-8
2nd Window: February 10 - 14
3rd Window: April 14-18
Testing Window May 22-June 5
3rd Grade BOG
September 12
October 15-25
Fall RTA (4th Reading Retained)
October 23
2024-2025 Grading Period Dates
Reporting Term Progress Report Sent Home Last Day of Reporting Term Report Cards Sent Home
Quarter 1 Week of 9/23/24 10/28/24 11/05/24
Quarter 2 Week of 12/02/24 1/17/25 1/29/25
Quarter 3 Week of 2/24/25 3/27/25 4/03/25
Quarter 4 Week of 5/05/25 6/05/25 6/05/25 or after