
Master the Screencast

Learn the basics of Screencastify and some popular ways to use video with students, colleagues, and parents.

About the Instructor

Nefertiti Dukes is a former teacher who now serves on the Educator Growth team at Screencastify. While in the classroom, she used technology to provide access and differentiate instruction. In her current role at Screencastify, she gets the opportunity to help teachers think about ways to leverage video to best serve their students.

1. Getting Started 4 lessons, 16 min

Install the Extension


Record Your First Video


Edit Your Video


Share Your Video


2. Create Videos for Your Students 4 lessons, 17 min

Introduce a Lesson


Instructional Videos


Provide Remediation


Give Video Feedback


3. Students as Content Creators 4 Lessons, 6 min

Student Presentations


Student Reflections


Virtual Field Trips


Student Assessments


4. Connect with Colleagues 2 Lessons, 5 min

Create a Digital Resource Library


Flip Professional Development


5. Create Videos for Parents 3 Lessons, 7 min

Explain Assignments


Positive Communication


Parent Newsletters


Final Quiz!

Take this quiz and answer at least 18/20 questions correctly, and make a 30-60 second video on how you plan to use screencasting in your classroom. You will earn a Master Screencaster badge and a certificate! Good luck!