Farber Lab

Fat and cholesterol molecules, also known as lipids, are of the utmost importance to proper cell function, required for cells to produce potent signaling molecules, membrane components, and fuel. Given their necessity, it's not surprising that defects in lipid metabolism underlie many prevalent human diseases—including cardiovascular disease, obesity, and diabetes.

The Farber Lab at the Johns Hopkins Biology Department seeks to better understand the cell and molecular biology of lipids within digestive organs by exploiting the many unique attributes of zebrafish larvae.

Referred to as the “modern-day plague,” obesity is on the rise worldwide. It influences a host of chronic disorders, including diabetes, high blood pressure, risk of heart disease, excess fat, and high cholesterol. Clinicians and researchers refer to a constellation of these conditions under the umbrella term ‘metabolic syndrome.’

By studying the fundamental insights underlying the cell biology of lipid function, Dr. Steven Farber hopes to uncover new tools to fight metabolic syndrome.

"The globalization of the high-fat Western diet and the concurrent rise in the incidence of lipid disorders has provided an impetus to understand lipid metabolism better in the context of metabolic dysfunction," says Farber. "Although the genes involved in cholesterol and fatty acid uptake in intestinal cells have been identified, their exact mechanisms of action are largely unknown."

The zebrafish has long been established as a powerful model for the study of early development, but Farber and his team are taking advantage of the optical clarity of zebrafish embryos and larvae to visualize lipid processing in live animals, at the level of individual organs—and even cells—within organs and tissues.

Two-day-old zebrafish embryos.

A protein called Apolipoprotein-B, or ApoB for short, attaches itself to the waxy fat and cholesterol molecules in order to help shuttle them around the circulatory system. These complexes of lipid and protein are called lipoproteins—a type of which is commonly known as “bad cholesterol.”

Sometimes these “bad cholesterol” lipoprotein compounds will embed themselves in the sides of blood vessels, forming a dangerous buildup. Called plaque, these deposits stiffen artery walls and make it more difficult for the heart to pump blood—which can eventually lead to a heart attack.

This image captures the fluorescent blue light emitted by modified ApoB lipoproteins in LipoGlo zebrafish. Courtesy of James Thierer.

Identifying ways to lower levels of plaque-forming lipoproteins in the bloodstream would save lives, but ApoB proteins are too large to study using many traditional research techniques.

To solve this problem, Farber and former graduate student James Thierer used state-of-the-art genome engineering to develop the LipoGlo system, a live zebrafish model that tags ApoB with a glowing enzyme similar to the one that lights up a firefly's abdomen. This innovation allowed Farber and Thierer to observe lipoprotein levels, size, and distribution directly. Their approach is so sensitive, it can be used to measure lipoproteins in an exquisitely small amount of blood or tissue—opening doors to new methods to study the cell biology of lipids and to develop possible new treatments for heart disease.

Lishann Ingram uses a robotics system in the Mumm Lab at Johns Hopkins University to screen for compounds that change cholesterol levels. The machine automates the loading of live zebrafish larvae and dispenses test compounds and LipoGlo components into 96-well plates.

Using these glowing zebrafish, the team was able to test thousands of commonly used drugs and natural products for their ability to reduce lipoproteins. Farber Lab postdocs Lishann Ingram and Dan Kelpsch and collaborators at Johns Hopkins University identified 48 compounds that lower bad cholesterol in the zebrafish—including cinnamon oil.

The team was pleasantly surprised to find published evidence that cinnamon oil yields positive metabolic results in animal models and humans. However, these papers provided little to no insight on how cinnamon oil alters cells and organs to cause this effect. Moreover, natural oils like cinnamon oil are composed of many chemicals—and this prior work did not define which of these components reduces bad cholesterol. The Farber lab is currently using the LipoGlo system to identify cinnamon oil’s specific bioactive components that produce favorable metabolic effects.

Dan Kelpsch prepares to dilute cinnamon oil for zebrafish larvae treatments.

The lab has also recently started to study how the age of lipoproteins in the blood can affect our health—not just the amount. The older the lipoprotein, the more it will get "tagged" by molecular modifications that may promote a build-up that can lead to blood clots and heart attack.

To study the lifetime of lipoproteins in living zebrafish, predoctoral associate Tabea Moll modified the LipoGlo system in a novel way—swapping its light-emitting luciferase protein with Dendra2, a photoconvertible fluorescent protein. Lipoproteins tagged with Dendra2 will glow green under a fluorescent microscope. However, when Moll shines UV light on the live fish, it turns Dendra2 red. The next time Moll looks through her scope, she can tell the new lipoproteins (green) from the old (red). With this method, she can determine how fast the old lipoproteins are cleared from the circulation—thus measuring lipoprotein turnover.

This project is in its early stages. Stay tuned for updates!

Tabea Moll uses a photo-convertible fluorophore called Dendra2 to study the age of lipoproteins in living zebrafish.

“Elevated levels of bad cholesterol are associated with obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, affecting more than a billion people around the world. This is a serious global health threat, and we are looking for every possible avenue to diminish the risks.” — Steven Farber

Over the last several years, the Farber Lab has had great success in researching lipoprotein biogenesis by using a gene-first approach, that is, to select a gene hypothesized to play a role in making lipoproteins, disrupting that gene, then characterizing the results. This reverse genetic method has led to a better understanding of critical players in lipoprotein metabolism, including MTP, dgat2, pla2g12b, and creb3l3.

These genes all cause the yolk sac to become opaque, a phenomenon the lab refers to as "dark yolk." With this in mind, postdoctoral researcher McKenna Feltes has designed a phenotype-first genetic approach to identify additional genes linked to lipoprotein biogenesis. By starting with a search through mutated zebrafish for "dark yolk," she hopes to uncover surprising and unanticipated genes that regulate lipoprotein biology.

McKenna Feltes tends to tanks of mutagenized zebrafish that will be screened for “dark yolk” in fall 2021.
Predoctoral associate Darby Kozan collects blood plasma from a zebrafish to measure lipoproteins circulated by the bloodstream. Kozan is interested in how insulin signaling may affect lipoprotein production in the intestine.

The intestine produces lipoproteins based on what it takes in from the diet, and zebrafish have a digestive system very similar to humans. For these reasons, many of the Farber Lab's experiments hone in on intestinal lipoproteins.

But lipoproteins are produced by both the intestine and the liver, and if you measure lipoproteins in the blood, it's difficult to pinpoint their place of origin.

So, the lab uses a superfusion system built in the Carnegie Embryology machine shop to maintain tiny, thinly-sliced samples of zebrafish intestine—kept alive in small plastic chambers bathed in a solution of salts, sugars, and oxygen. The resulting fluid from this perfusion system is collected to quantify the levels of secreted intestinal lipoproteins.

From left to right: Research scientist Meredith Wilson, Steven Farber, and research technician Maggie Shen prepare to dissect the intestine of an adult zebrafish.
Wilson and Farber use perfusion chambers to measure intestine-produced lipoproteins. Farber designed and built the chambers himself.

“Dietary fats are packaged into small particles called lipoproteins within the absorptive epithelial cells that line the intestine. We're interested in understanding how the intestine packages and delivers these fats into circulation for transport through the body." — Meredith Wilson

With heart disease as the leading cause of death in the United States, it is imperative to understand how the gut microbiome—the vast communities of microorganisms that live within the digestive system—influences our response to diet.

In a collaborative study, graduate student Josh Derrick is working with both zebrafish in the Farber Lab, and fruit flies in the Ludington Lab to understand the relationship between a high-fat diet, the microbiome, and health.

The fruit fly's microbiome is small and easy to manipulate, which allows researchers to systematically test combinations of microbes and to interrogate the roles of each. In terms of the cell biology and physiology involved in the digestion and storage of dietary fat, the fly is surprisingly similar to both humans and zebrafish; anything that Derrick finds—a signaling molecule or a receptor, for example—could be directly applicable to vertebrates like humans. Moreover, Josh hopes to define the rules that govern how microbes can live inside animals to promote health.

Josh Derrick aims to understand the effects of a high-fat diet on the fly gut and how the microbiome can improve or worsen its effects.

Another biological process that the Farber Lab seeks to understand is the liver's contribution to mitochondrial disease—a set of long-term, genetic disorders in which mitochondria fail to produce the energy that cells need to function.

Mitochondrial disease affects the parts of the body that demand the most energy—the brain, heart, digestive system, and muscle. Since the liver is the hub of carbohydrate, lipid, and protein metabolism, liver mitochondria have the unique job of regulating the flux of metabolic molecules within cells. Inability to properly carry out this essential function results in devastating effects on the entire body.

In collaboration with Steve Ekker’s lab at the Mayo Clinic, the Farber Lab has developed a zebrafish model with the hallmark characteristics of the deadly mitochondrial disorder Leigh Syndrome, French-Canadian variant (LSFC)—including a shortened lifespan, and muscle and liver defects. Since LSFC patients have defects in dietary lipid metabolism, the lab asked whether these disease-model zebrafish metabolize their food differently.

Jen Anderson places an experimental specimen of extracted lipids in the sampler for identification via a high-performance liquid chromatography system.

Using methods developed by previous lab member Vanessa Quinlivan, research scientist Jen Anderson found that half a day after ingesting a high-fat meal, the diseased zebrafish have twice as much fat in their bodies than their normal siblings.

The lab applies a genetic method in which the broken liver mitochondria are fully rescued (while mitochondria in other tissues remain broken). This study allowed the team to figure out how the liver contributes to the overall manifestation of disease. Intriguingly, they found that whole animal lipid metabolism and lifespan returned to normal by restoring liver mitochondrial function.

“We have the potential to reveal targets for gene therapy and to identify therapeutic drugs by looking specifically for compounds that restore liver function in our disease-model zebrafish.” — Jen Anderson

Research technician Monica Hensley looks through the Department of Embryology's -80C freezers for samples of RNA.
Predoctoral associate Michelle Biederman quietly pours through data on the Department's balcony.

The Farber Lab’s research bays and facilities are always buzzing with energy—about half of the lab is made up of graduate and undergraduate students—and their friendship and hunger for collaboration are palpable. Several of the projects are also supported by high school students.

For Steven Farber, this is by design. He believes scientific pursuit is more than just the search for results. It’s about mentorship, community, and sparking curiosity in the natural world.

Students who participate in Farber's week-long BioEYES program get to mate zebrafish, then raise the resulting embryos until they hatch as transparent, free-swimming larvae that can be seen under provided microscopes.

Farber has a tremendous amount of enthusiasm for getting young kids turned on to science. In 2002, he partnered with educator Jamie Shuda to create BioEYES, a K–12 science outreach and teacher training program that uses zebrafish to teach children developmental biology, genetics, and experimental design.

With a dozen centers in the U.S., Australia, and China—including in Farber's lab in Baltimore—over 155,000 students and 1,000 teachers have participated in BioEYES so far.

The Baltimore BioEYES team at the United States Capitol Building for the 2019 Life Science Fair & Reception. From left to right: Program manager Valerie Butler and outreach educators Robert Vary and Terrone Jasper (Jasper passed away unexpectedly on September 26, 2021).

“We wanted to foster an interest in and a love for science in elementary, middle, and high school students. It is incredibly gratifying to watch our work over the past 14 years bring the excitement of science to so many.” — Steven Farber

To learn more about the Farber Lab and BioEyes, explore these stories: