Teacher Interview: Mrs. Thomforde

Question: How did you get into music?

Well when I was in fourth grade my best friend Emily lived around the corner from me, and she played piano. One day I went to her house and watched her have a piano lesson, and it looked like so much fun! I went home and asked my parents if I could play piano, and so I started studying with that same teacher. I also joined choir in fourth grade, and in fifth grade I played the trombone.

Question: Do you remember your time at middle school? If so, what was your favorite and least favorite thing about it?

Middle school is a hard time for everyone. When I was in sixth grade, I didn't know many kids in my school. I went to a new school, and most of my friends from elementary school went to the other middle school in town. I grew up in Southern New Hampshire in Derry, and in sixth grade I was really lonely. I remember feeling sad sometimes because I hadn't met people yet. Some of my favorite things were from seventh and eighth grade. In seventh grade I joined the cross-country team, played in band, and I was also in the play (in seventh grade a version of Alice in Wonderland and in eight a version of Cinderella.) Once I got to know other kids through cross-country, band, and the musical, I had a good time.

Question: Why did you choose to teach?

When I was in high school, I had an amazing band teacher, and I wanted to be just like her, so I started looking at music education programs and college.

Question: If you could change one thing about Carlisle Public Schools for better or worse what would it be?

Right now seventh graders and eighth graders don't have a regular music class. They can be in chorus and ad band, but they don't have regular music like the kindergarten through sixth-graders do, so I would love to be able to teach seventh and eighth graders as well.

Question: What is one thing you miss or don't miss about going to school as a child?

My mom used to pack the same kind of sandwich every day, and I got tired of that.

Question: If you could turn your classes or yourself into any one animal what would it be?

Well I would turn my classes into birds because bird song is really interesting. If I were to turn myself into any animal, I would turn myself into a penguin because I really liked penguins in fourth grade.

Question: What is your favorite thing to do in your free time?

I end up doing a lot of dancing and music as well as school. I sing in a choir in Cambridge, and I like to play piano duets with my friends. I also like spending time with my family and reading. I love reading if I ever have time to do it.

Question: What is your biggest goal as a teacher and have you accomplished it?

My goal is to help my students be independent musicians, and I think I'm getting there because advanced choir was able to arrange “Don't Stop Believing” by themselves this semester, and so that's really why I do a lot of the things I do. I love giving my students a choice over things, and composing is great way to help my students make good choices. I like letting them find their creativity, and it is my job to give them the skills. We practiced singing those chord progressions, and it was hard work, but since we knew it, we could arrange “Don't Stop Believing” in four part harmony plus the melody, and that's really great.

Question: What is your favorite thing about teaching?

I love getting to connect with students. One of my favorite times to do that is when I am conducting, especially in a concert, and I have had many good eye contact moments with many of my students. That feeling when another human being is connecting with you about the same music at the same time is something really special to me.