DIY Leaf Bowl

What You Will Need:

  • Artificial Autumn Maple Leaves
  • Plastic Bowl or Balloon
  • Mod Podge Matte
  • Krylon Triple Thick Glaze
  • Plastic Wrap

You may use a balloon or a plastic bowl to form the shape of the leaf bowl. If you are using a bowl you will need to put plastic wrap in between them so they don’t stick. With the balloons, however, you do not need plastic wrap as the leaves will not stick to the balloon.

Bowl Way

Step One: Place the plastic wrap around the outside of the bowl like this:

To all those reading it at this moment the photos will be in soon :)

Step Two: Paint mod podge onto a leaf, and place it onto the bowl. Repeat this step with different leaves as desired, layering them as you go. After a couple of layers, push the leaves down a little. Excess mod podge may come out; simply brush it onto the other leaves. Continue layering until the leaves cover half the bowl with no gaps, and look as desired.

Step Three: Since the leaves are not flat it is recommended that a second layer of plastic wrap is put on so that the leaves stay in place. Press down on the leaves a little to put them back in the right places. Next put it on a windowsill or somewhere else in the sunlight to dry. Let it sit there for 4 hours before removing the top layer of plastic wrap, and allow the leaves to dry completely. You could leave the outer layer of plastic wrap on if you would like but it would extend the amount of time for it to dry greatly.

Step Four: When the leaves are dry spray on Krylon Triple Thick Glaze all over.

Step Five: Once the glaze is dry carefully take off the leaf bowl, and the bottom layer of plastic wrap.


Balloon Way:

Step One: Blow up a balloon and tie it.

Step Two: Paint modge podge onto a leaf, and place it onto the balloon. Repeat this step with different leaves as desired layering them as you go. After a couple of layers push the leafs down a little. Excess modge podge may come out, simply brush it onto the other leaves. Continue layering until the leaves cover half the bowl with no gaps, and look as desired.

All other steps are the same as the bowl way.