
Chinchillas are scientifically known as crepuscular rodents. They are slightly larger and healthier than ground squirrels.

Chinchillas are native to the Andes mountains in South America. Where they mostly live in groups called herds on the slopes. Though this can be a good or bad reason to adopt a chinchilla, they can live to 10-20 years, with the oldest being around 34.

There are two types of chinchillas.The two types of chinchillas are known as long and short tailed chinchillas.

Chinchillas are great for pets. They have lush and amazingly soft fur, and their curious and lively nature make chinchillas good pets.

On the down side, they are nocturnal, so they may be hard to sleep next to. They also take dust baths, and depending on the humidity may take one once a day. This may be hard to manage. Finally, because chinchillas are so active, their paws may become caught in the metal bars of their cage.
