Speed Career Fair Series

Fast pitching, high Signal to Noise and Conversion Ratio

Career Up Club/ZaiGeZaigu/Techie/TJC/etc, are hosting a series of speed career fair series, each of which would invite at least 3 hiring managers sharing information of team/openings/location/H1B sponsorship etc.

To help our peers to overcome the difficulties, please participate in this even as a hiring manager

We will publish events once ready, stay tuned!

Zoom link: https://bit.ly/cuc_zoom_event

Hiring Teams to be added


Subscribe to calendar: https://bit.ly/calendar_together

Join LinkedIn group to stay in the loop!

After Party

After each Speed Career Fair, there's the after party hosted in gather town. If anyone has any interest in following up, you may stay here as long as you want. We made it really nice and easy for you to have 1on1s, casual chats in there.