Special Education Resources

Note from Benavides ISD

Benavides ISD is committed to providing instruction to students served with special education services. This page is dedicated towards sharing resources with families to allow students to continue engaging in the learning process at home.

Special Education Resources:

Mrs. Leal's Class:

Class schedule (click on link)

Parents /Guardian:

  • Google classroom: assignments will be posted in classroom (updated weekly)

Class codes provided through email by teacher

  • Seesaw : Used to turn in completed assignments

Educational programs our class will be using:

(All Passwords are provided by teacher)


  • Math-Reflex, Imagine Math, Govizzle

  • Social Studies-Social Studies weekly, GoVizzle

  • Science- Edusmart, Govizzle

Other resources:

Classcode: dss3904

Brainpop Jr. (Sept.)

Any questions or concerns: Contact : aleal@benavidesisd.net

Mrs. Ruiz Class:

Expectations for Parents

• Set aside a calm, quiet, distraction-free space for your child(ren) to work every day, preferably not their bedroom.

• Ensure virtual learning equipment is available and charged. •

• Help your child check Google Classroom every day.

• Communicate with me regularly via email or Google Classroom regarding any questions or issues that arise.

• If your child is having trouble completing work, email me to schedule a time for an online meeting. Parents you have my number if you should choose to call me instead.

Mrs. Rosa Ruiz : rruiz@benavidesisd.net

Expectations for Students

• Sign-in to Google Classroom every day and click on the link to join our Zoom meetings for every of Mrs. Ruiz's Awesome Classes.

• Complete all paper assignments on time.

Additional Resources:


Storyline Online


Math Playground

If you have any questions or need help using this Learn at Home website, please contact us at:


We would like to thank Austin ISD for curating the content provided on the Benavides ISD Learn at Home website.