How To Succeed In An Online Internship

Why not try an online internship now that you're probably getting used to studying from home?

Since the implementation of the lockdown, traditional in-person internships are no longer a realistic choice for most students. Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, virtual internships have grown in popularity as a great alternative.

But what exactly is an online internship? Which companies provide them? Are they as well-regarded by employers as in-person internships?

How To Succeed In An Online Internship

What is an "Online Internship"?

A virtual internship is a work placement that students can complete from the comfort of their own homes. During their internship, students communicate with their employers through various platforms, including Skype, Microsoft Teams, email, webinars, and Slack.

The intern will meet with their supervisor remotely to discuss projects and progress. Critical periods may also be set aside for online coffee breaks or catching up with coworkers."

Online (remote internships) can look great on your CV and offer you valuable professional experience when applying for and interviewing for graduate careers.

What are the advantages of Online Internship?

Here are a few more advantages of a remote internship:

  • Save money and time: Unlike typical internships, you will not be required to commute, and you will be able to work from anywhere, saving you money on rent and travel expenses.

  • Improve your resume: Working from home will help you improve your time management and self-discipline while providing work experience.

  • Expand your cross-cultural and global perspectives: Working for an international firm will expose you to people worldwide.

What are the disadvantages of Online Internship?

The disadvantages of online internships are determined by numerous factors, including:

1. The firm's ability to communicate with interns.

If your manager does not provide clear objectives, you do not receive regular feedback, or you feel unable to answer a question, the internship will not be as simple as you had imagined.

In the interview, describe the following components of the role: Inquire about how your progress will be tracked throughout the internship and what will be expected of you.

2. Your own motivation

If you have trouble staying motivated on your own, you may struggle with a virtual internship, which requires self-discipline and self-motivation.

Your internship may assign you specific work hours or request that you accomplish a set number of tasks each week. In either case, set your own working hours and stick to them, just like you would if you were in person.

3. No prior experience in an office setting

For companies, one of the critical benefits of in-person internships is that graduates get experience working with a team in an office setting, something virtual internships do not provide.

Despite this, you can still collaborate in a team setting by using online networking tools like Skype and Microsoft Teams.

How to Overcome Obstacles During an Online Internship

Below is a list of potential issues you may face throughout your online internship and advice to help you deal with them.

1. Miscommunication amongst co-interns

International virtual internships bring together students and employees from all around the world. It is inevitable that in such various locations placed in a virtual world, you may not see each other, and misunderstandings may occur. You must acquire efficient digital communication skills that will be highly wanted shortly. It may be difficult at first, but there are certain basic things to remember that will help you communicate more effectively:

Try to talk clearly and concisely, avoid jargon, communicate daily, double-check with your coworkers or supervisor to ensure you understand an assigned assignment, respond to messages as quickly as possible, and be reachable during work hours.

2. Inadequate motivation

In times of pandemic, remote internships give an excellent platform for professional development and networking. So, how do we sustain and sustain this motivation? In times of weakness, try to recall why you started the remote internship. You presumably signed up to obtain work experience, learn digital or soft skills, practice languages, meet new people, and so on. It's essential to keep all of this in mind and recognize that your internship is an investment in your future success in your career and schooling. Don't give up; keep the momentum going!

3. Lack of organization

Working from home and studying simultaneously may make it more challenging to organize your work. You do not have a fixed work schedule or a boss watching your every move. Virtual internships are an excellent approach to improving time management and organizational skills to balance all responsibilities. Many free online and conventional tools are available to help you plan your calendar. You might utilize Google Calendar, Microsoft Teams tasks, Doodle or Sticky Notes, and other online applications. You might also use a paper calendar with a weekly view to record deadlines and meetings.

4. Diversions

Interning from home might be quite pleasant because you are in your surroundings, but it can also be full of distractions such as roommates, loud siblings, TV, social media, and so on. You must establish boundaries while remaining professional and disciplined. Remember that there is time for play and time for work. Concentrate on your work. Any of the aforementioned organizational tools may be helpful to you. Take a break if you become fatigued while executing a task. Studies have shown that frequent, short breaks improve productivity more than long, solitary leaves.

5. Installations

When you begin an on-site internship, you may feel overwhelmed and anxious because you are in a new firm, a new role, with further international colleagues, and so on. Working remotely adds a unique difficulty to a virtual internship. Because this is your first time, you may feel ineffective, especially if you meet new coworkers who appear more engaged or interested in what is happening. Take a few deep breaths first. Second, you know that while the start is difficult for most of us, you will eventually master your tasks and skills. Third, keep in mind that you are doing an internship to learn, which takes time. Allow yourself enough time to study. Fourth, do not compare yourself to others; your coworkers may have various histories, professional routes, and skills; thus, focus on yourself and your own road to success.

6. Isolation

The pandemic forced us to spend most of our time at home, away from family, close friends, and coworkers. We don't socialize nearly as often as we used to. However, distant internships can provide additional individuals to connect with and help you overcome loneliness. You will have the opportunity to meet new people from other countries, exchange experiences and feelings, and even form deeper relationships with pen pals whom you may encounter in person in the future. It is advised to connect with other interns on social media and interact with them right away.

An online internship is simply an internship done remotely from the company's office, which means you don't have to relocate. Instead, you work from your home, college campus, or wherever you have an Internet connection, with the exact requirements and expectations of someone working at the office.

Still wondering where to find an internship? Fill out this form for more information.