Some thoughts on recruiting in cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is one of the tech industry’s most essential and fastest-growing sectors. With cybercrime representing a US$1.5 trillion economy and the demand for cybersecurity professionals outstripping the supply, hiring the quality talent for your cybersecurity team is crucial for your business's success and reputation.

However, recruiting in the cybersecurity industry is a challenging task. It requires a deep understanding of the relevant skills, qualifications, and certifications for different cybersecurity roles and the ability to attract and retain passionate, trustworthy, and adaptable candidates.

I have spent at least twenty of my 25+ years in cybersecurity managing others.  Sometimes, it’s been one employee and other times, it’s been thirty employees in multiple countries.  As an agency, I’ve even carried out recruiting for others in the past and even now, I believe so strongly in “everyone deserves the opportunity to work” that I administer the 55000+ member “security-jobs” group on LinkedIn to bring candidates and recruiters together totally free of charge. 

In this article, I aim to share some dos and don’ts for hiring and retaining cybersecurity professionals based on the best practices and insights from experts and industry leaders.


DO: Look beyond the usual places to find talent.

One of the biggest challenges in cybersecurity recruitment is the talent shortage. According to a report by (ISC)², the global cybersecurity workforce gap in 2022 was estimated to be 3.12 million. This means there are not enough qualified candidates to fill the cybersecurity positions.

To overcome this challenge, you need to look beyond the traditional sources of talent, such as job boards, career fairs, and referrals, and explore alternative ways to find and attract cybersecurity talent. Some of the strategies you can use are:


DON’T: Require candidates to have designated skills.

Another common mistake in cybersecurity recruitment is to have a rigid and unrealistic list of requirements for candidates. Many employers focus on specific skills, tools, and technologies essential for cybersecurity roles without considering those skills' context, relevance, and transferability.

This approach can limit your talent pool and exclude candidates with the potential and aptitude to learn and adapt to new cybersecurity challenges. Instead of looking for candidates who have a predefined set of skills, you should look for candidates who have:



DO: Be willing to train candidates after they’re hired.

One of the best ways to overcome the cybersecurity talent gap and retain your cybersecurity employees is to invest in their training and development. Cybersecurity is a dynamic and evolving field where new threats, technologies, and solutions emerge daily. Therefore, it is essential to provide your cybersecurity team with the opportunities and resources to update and upgrade their skills and knowledge regularly.  There is always something new to learn in cybersecurity, and as individuals, we should always want to improve ourselves.

Some of the benefits of training your cybersecurity employees are:

Some of the ways you can train your cybersecurity employees are:


DON’T: Craft your job descriptions carelessly.

Your job description is the first impression of your potential cybersecurity candidates. It is also the most critical factor influencing their decision to apply for your cybersecurity position. So, you'll need to craft your job description carefully and strategically to make sure that it attracts and appeals to the right cybersecurity talent for your company.

Some of the tips for writing effective and engaging cybersecurity job descriptions are:


DO: Sell the job and company.

The last and most crucial step in cybersecurity recruitment is to sell the job and company to your cybersecurity candidates. This means that you must convince and persuade your cybersecurity candidates that your cybersecurity position and company are the best fit and choice for them and that you are excited and eager to work with them. You'll need to communicate your value proposition, distinguish yourself from your competitors, and address any concerns or objections your cybersecurity candidates may have.

Some of the tips for selling the job and company to your cybersecurity candidates are:


Final Thoughts

Recruiting in the cybersecurity industry, where you can find and hire your company’s best cybersecurity talent, is challenging but rewarding. By following the dos and don’ts in this article, you can improve your cybersecurity recruitment strategy and outcomes and build a solid and successful cybersecurity team.  But I want to hear your thoughts on attracting talent to your organisation.