Individual and Group Sessions
The school Counselor is available to provide short-term one-on-one counseling for students experiencing emotional difficulties that interfere with their success in school. If appropriate, they also have the opportunity to pull students in a small group setting. They work to help each child develop coping skills to deal more effectively with the problems they face. Individual counseling is a personal and private interaction between a counselor and a student in which they work together on a problem or topic of interest. School counselors establish trust and build a helping relationship. They respect the privacy of information, always considering actions in terms of the rights, integrity, and welfare of the students. Counselors are obligated by law and ethical standards to report and refer a case when a person’s welfare is in jeopardy. It is a counselor’s duty to inform an individual of the conditions and limitation under which assistance may be provided.
Students come to visit the counselor when…
You are having difficulty in class.
You are sad.
You are having personal problems.
You are having trouble making and keeping friends.
You want to discuss your school progress.
You feel all alone and shy.
You are happy.
You feel confused.
You keep getting in trouble.
You are new to the school and are scared.