
of the


June 2020

Welcome to the Celebration of the Arts 2020!

Every spring the students and staff at Canterbury Elementary School come together to celebrate the creative growth of our young artists. Through participation in arts education our students are able to create, grow, heal, and communicate that which cannot be expressed in other ways. This is a time when we fill the halls of our school with beautiful color, texture, rhythm, and melody. Since our school closed in March, we’ve continued to grow in these areas. It just looks a little different right now.

Please join us as we recognize our students’ accomplishments in the Arts this year! Below you will find links to the CES Chorus performance and virtual Art Galleries of student work created throughout the year. Click on the the image links and enjoy!


The 3rd and 4th grade chorus and their families have worked hard to create videos for this project. I am so proud of my CES students and all their hard work this year. Although we couldn't have our concert and sing all the songs we were learning, I am so thankful to have this video as a memory for this year. I had so many emotions making it; hope, sadness, happiness, pride, joy...

I wish my 4th graders the best of luck at BMS! I will miss singing with you and watching you shine. I hope music will bring us together once again some day.

Love, Ms. Tackett

Art Show

Thank you for visiting the Canterbury Elementary School Art Show!

Our young artists have worked so hard this year exploring, creating, and taking creative chances with materials, processes, and ideas. Through their experiences in the Arts, these children have explored multiple perspectives when observing and responding to the world around them. They have learned that one problem has many possible solutions. We’ve continued to find creative ways to “make” together, even when we find ourselves apart through these last few months. I am so proud of the work that we have done together and am excited to see what these wonderful artists create next!

Please click on a picture of student artwork below to enter the virtual Art Galleries. There you will find works of art created by students in PreK-4th grade. Each grade level has its own gallery. Once you are in the gallery, you can scroll up, down, and across to view the beautiful paintings, drawings, and sculptures. To get a closer look at a work of art, click on any picture in the galleries to enlarge them.


Mrs. Harrington

PreK Art Gallery

Kindergarten Art Gallery

1st Grade Art Gallery

2nd Grade Art Gallery

3rd Grade Art Gallery

4th Grade Art Gallery

Art from Home