
The Hooley 5K

After a successful debut in 2021, the Hooley 5K returns for its third edition in 2023!

A Hooley is Scots slang for a strong wind, "it's blowing a hooley!", however it's also a Scots and Irish term for a traditional wild party with music and dancing. This gives reference to both the possibility of breezy conditions but also the certainty of a warm, friendly and fun welcome from the Scottish paddling community.

The Hooley 5K is a dedicated 5000m regatta which for 2023 will also serve as the British Championship event and will be run in accordance with the Sprint Racing Competition rules as set out in the Canoe Racing handbook. It will be held at the Strathclyde Park Regatta course near Glasgow. This is a fantastic venue although in October there is always the chance of some wind so be prepared for a Hooley, on and off the water!

5Km racing is the perfect test of your winter form when preparing for a sprint racing season and also suits marathon specialists as a short course version of the sport. There will be sessions for K1/C1, K2/C2 and K4/C4 throughout the day. We hope you will join us for the second edition of this exciting event.

As well as a full day of racing we want to take the celebration of paddlesport off the water and will be holding a Celebration Evening and Ceilidh following the conclusion of racing. This will involve the Hooley 5K prize-giving and presentation of the 5K British Championship medals. A finger buffet will be available and to cap it all off there will be a traditional Scottish Ceilidh to end the evening celebrations.Â