T3 Newsletter

Teaching Todays Talent to Thrive in Tomorrow's Workforce

T3 TEACHES at Sexton, Waverly, and Everett

New American Navigator & T3 at Okemos Highschool

Capital Area Michigan Works! staff supports new American students at Okemos Highschool. Our New American Navigator Mohibullah and T3 Education Officer Amirika supported new American families in meetings set up by school advisors. Amirika offered CAMW services regarding explaining educational pathways to families at Okemos. Mohibullah was impactful in offering ESL courses for parents to assist with translating and understanding students' current needs within the classroom. Mohibullah shared insightful experiences and background to ease anxiety about accessing assistance and services to support the educational goals of New American students and parents. Wonderful teamwork! 

Demand Driven Class Concepts

T3 Education Officer Amirika Richardson speaks to Senior and Junior students at Sexton Highschool about demand-driven careers in Michigan. Students asked questions and participated in activities to encourage and prepare them for graduation. Resources to support pathway exploration were shared and successfully used by this class.