Aspetos Socio Profissionais da Informática

Overview of the course

This is a mandatory course of the 4th year of the Integrated Master in Computer Science and Engineering where several ethical, social and professional issues in the information age in general, and in informatics engineering in particular, are studied and discussed. The goals are to acquire knowledge in applied ethics to the digital age, as well as professional ethics applied to informatics engineering. At the end, the student should be able to analyze controversies and ethical impacts of information technology. Additionally, students will develop oral and written communication skills and improve their behavior and attitudes towards their future profession.


José Legatheaux Martins (see photos gallery) - Student office hours to be announced

Phone: +351 21 294 8500 Ext. 10725 / Building II, Office 2/7

Email: jose . legatheaux at this faculty dot

Paulo Afonso Lopes (see photos gallery) - Student office hours to be announced

Phone: +351 21 294 8500 Ext. 10755 / Building II, Office 243

Email: poral at this faculty dot


  1. Evolution and impact of modern digital technology
  2. Moral, ethics and deontology in Information technologies
  3. Network communications and their impact on society
  4. Computer and network security, computer piracy and cybercrime
  5. Intellectual property and plagiarism
  6. Social implications and ethics callenges of artificial intelligence
  7. Privacy and protection of individual data
  8. Professional ethics and professional codes of conduct


Michael J. Quinn, “Ethics for the Information Age,” Springer, 7th Edition, 2017

IEEE-CS/ACM Joint Task Force on Software Engineering Ethics and Professional Practices

as well as many other references directly related to each of the syllabus topics