Nikolay Middle School
The Year in Review


 Krista Jones, Principal


Mrs. Jones Retires after 12 years as Principal at NMS

Mrs. Krista Jones has been the principal at Nikolay Middle School since 2012, and she will be retiring at the end of this school year. For the past 12 years, she has given so much of her heart and time to serving the students and families at NMS. "I have enjoyed being able to work and talk with students every single day--hopefully having a positive impact on students' lives. In a small school district--with 200 students in our school, I have developed connections with students and their families - getting to know students' gifts, talents, and interests and getting to know multiple siblings from families! I will remember that our Nikolay Middle School teachers and staff always work as a team to help and support one another and to support our students. I will also remember the annual 6th grade trip, Run-Swim-Run, all the athletic events and concerts, the annual Brewer game...and being there for students in both the celebrations and challenges of life!" 

Looking back, Jones emphasized how impressed she was throughout the pandemic transitions in 2020-21: "I have never been more proud of Nikolay Middle School than during the Covid pandemic. Our teachers and our students adapted, adjusted, and learned new ways of teaching and learning. We demonstrated flexibility and resiliency during a time of challenge, fear, and uncertainty." Due in large part to her dedicated leadership, Nikolay Middle School has been and continues to be a great place to learn and grow.  

Although Mrs. Jones and her positive presence in the halls of NMS will be missed next fall, she is excited about what retirement will bring with it.  She looks forward to more quality family time and relaxation, as well as occasional opportunities to lend her expertise in the field of education whenever they may arise. Thank you, Mrs. Jones for all you have given to Nikolay Middle School and congratulations on your much-deserved retirement!

A Note from the Yearbook Advisor...

This 2023-24 school year has been a busy one at Nikolay Middle School. These yearbook memories have been carefully collected by a group of NMS student volunteers who have spent hours of their time throughout the year (both after school and during Wednesday lunches) to create this digital yearbook. We hope that we captured some of the most important moments that made up this past year for students. This collection could not have been created without the photographic contributions of many students, coaches, advisors, teachers, and families together. It has been a pleasure working with this year's yearbook staff to create for all NMS students to enjoy, so on behalf of the whole staff, thank you for all the memories, Nikolay Middle School students, staff, volunteers, and families! 

Ms. Karen Hill, Yearbook Advisor