
May 18-19

Due Tuesday

email these to Mrs. Bristow

  • Reading Log

Go to google docs and complete these assignments (do not e mail these. I will see them on google).


Reading Log: Read 20 minutes each day. Record it on your reading log and have a parent sign it. You can record the required information on a piece of notebook paper if you don't want to print out the log. Just make sure you have included all the information.

Reading Log.docx

Writing: Zoom meeting Thursday, May 19 (see e mail for the link)

Unit 7: Inventive Writing: Final Essay

Log into google docs to find your Unit 7 outline and writing paper. Then complete these assignments:

This week we will Fix and Finish our essay

We will be sharing portions of it on Zoom Thursday, so think about what part of your essay you want to share during our zoom meeting.


  • Read all the comments by Mrs. Bristow and respond. Remember not to "Resolve" the comments. I will do that.
  • ***Complete your checklist. This MUST be completed by the end of Tuesday!
  • Read your essay out loud to someone

Practice: expression, eye contact, and strong voice

  • Make any last minute changes you want to make.
  • Think about what topic you want to read out loud to the class on Thursday. Everyone will all be sharing a part of their essay.

Note: If your essay is not totally completed this week (including the checklist), you will run the risk of receiving a grade of "incomplete" on your report card.

IEW U7 intro attention getters.pdf
IEW U7 intro.1.mp4