
May 11-12

Due Tuesday

email these to Mrs. Bristow

  • Reading Log

Go to google docs and complete these assignments (do not e mail these. I will see them on google).


Reading Log: Read 20 minutes each day. Record it on your reading log and have a parent sign it. You can record the required information on a piece of notebook paper if you don't want to print out the log. Just make sure you have included all the information.

Reading Log.docx


Unit 7: Inventive Writing: Introduction Paragraph

Log into google docs to find your Unit 7 outline and writing paper. Then complete these assignments:

This week we will be working on the introduction

  • Watch the video
  • Follow the steps for writing the first sentence in your introduction: the attention getter.


We will only be writing our opening sentence. This sentence is the most important sentence you will write. It will "hook" your reader into wanting to read more, so take your time and think about it.

Do not try to do this without watching the video first!

1. Write your attention getter opening sentence 3 different ways. Use the resource on this page to see examples of the attention getter choices.

2. Choose one of the three attention getters to use as your opening sentence, and begin to write your paragraph.

***Please try not to wait until the end of the week to write your paragraph. You have dress ups to add, and you will need to read my comments to make necessary changes to your closing paragraph by the end of the week, so leave time for that.

IEW U7 intro.1.mp4
IEW U7 intro attention getters.pdf
IEW U7 decorations.pdf