Wednesday, April 1

Today's Assignment

Keep in your work folder

Remember your name and date on everything!

  • Any work you emailed today

email Mrs. Bristow (then put it in your folder)

  • Rough Draft

Writing the Rough Draft

  • Go back to Tuesday, log in to Readworks, and reread the article. Then begin your rough draft.
  • Remember to include your dress-ups. They have to be your own words, not words already in the paragraph!

strong verbs ("strong")

quality adjectives ("quality" - Look for your nouns and add an adjective to describe it)

-ly adverbs (look for your verbs, then add an adverb to tell how)

who/which clause (remember a comma before AND after the clause)

  • Ask Questions

Am I following my outline?

Am I staying on topic? (Look at your topic sentence to check this)

  • Read it out loud to someone and fix any sentence structure errors (complete sentences, punctuation, etc) Have someone sign your paper to show you did this.
  • You may have someone proofread it for spelling.

***IMPORTANT: email me your rough draft TODAY ( for feedback so you are ready to complete your final copy tomorrow.***

After you receive your feedback and you need more time to fix/change things for your final copy, you can work on your rough draft again tomorrow. If you feel you can move on, then you may work on your final copy tomorrow.

Everything is due FRIDAY, APRIL 3 no matter what!