
April 22-23

Due Thursday

Friday: Catch-up Day (use if needed)

email these to Mrs. Bristow (then put it in your folder)

Outline and rough draft paragraphs for topics 2&3 (paragrapahs III and IV). DO NOT email these. I can see them on google.


Reading Log: Read for 20 min. /day and fill in your reading log


1. Watch the video

2. Go to google docs

3. Find your Unit 7 outline.

4. Fill in your key word outline for Topic 2: Laughed

5. Test your outline with an oral retell for paragraph III (topic 2) Make any changes needed.

6. Write paragraph III (topic 2)

*Follow steps 4-6 for Topic 3: Loved

Remember, these are rough drafts. We will go back later and make the writing better.

***Make sure you follow your outline when you write your paragraph!***

Check in later to see if I left you any comments

IEW U7 topics 2&3.mp4