
May 13-14

Due Thursday

Friday: Catch-up Day (use if needed)

email these to Mrs. Bristow (then put it in your folder)

  • Fix it Week 20
  • Paragraph: Lucy's conversation with Mr. Tumnus

Just Words

Unit 13: Week 2: spelling rules for -tion, -sion, and -ssion

1. Challenge book: Practice the phrase page 9

  • Mark up the final syllables
  • Read the phrases 3x each day
  • Record your time

You can write/mark-up bold words on paper, or print the page and do it on there.

2. Do the dictation practice on the video

  • MARK-UP all the words you wrote on your video dictation practice.
JW day 7 dictation.mp4


The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

Chapter 16: What Happened About the Statues

In this chapter, we have the final battle of good vs. evil. In the Bible, Jesus said He will come again, the dead in Christ shall rise (like the statues coming to life), and Satan will be overthrown (like the killing of the White Witch).

Did you think this chapter was too scary?

Send me an e mail and tell me what you think.

Lucy's conversation with Mr. Tumnus

Again, we see another conversation between two of our characters but we don't hear what was said.

Write a paragraph as if you were Lucy and you are explaining to Mr. Tumnus all that has happened in Narnia while he was a statue. Use dialogue.

You can use paper or print out this worksheet and write it on there.

LWW ch 16.pdf

Fix It

Week 20: Review

Do the vocabulary and mark ups for Day 1

I've included the list of prepositions and pronouns for your reference

Preposition list.pdf
Fix It Pronouns
Fix It week20
Fix It week 20