Tuesday, March 24th

Today's Assignments

Just Words:

Phrase reading: mark-up the bold words, timed reading of phrases


Write a short paragraph (5 sentences) about what Mr. Beaver said about where Edmund might have gone.

Fix It:

Rewrite this week's Fix it on notebook paper.

Just Words

Today, we will practice reading words with -le syllables:

Look at the bottom of the challenge book page for an example of how to mark-up the words.

Phrase page, BOTTOM only!

  • Mark-up syllables for bold words
  • Read phrases 3x and time yourself each time. Write down your time. Did you get faster?


Chapter 8

2. Write a short paragraph about where Mr. Beaver thinks Edmund has gone and why he thinks that (clues, evidence, or reasons does he have for his suspicions.

No worksheet, you can use notebook paper or type it on the computer.

Head your paper

  • Name
  • Date
  • LWW ch. 8 Where in the Wood is Edmund?
Lww ch 8

Fix It

  • Rewrite this week's passage. Use notebook paper. Keep this paper to add next week's rewrite to as if it were our blue rewrite notebook at school.
  • Remember to proof your writing for accuracy!
Fix It! Week 16.pdf