
April 29-30

Due Thursday

Friday: Catch-up Day (use if needed)

email these to Mrs. Bristow (then put it in your folder)

  • Challenge book pg 117
  • Reading: 2 paragraphs

Just Words

Unit 13: Week 2: -tion, -sion, and -ssion

Challenge book pg. 117


Reading ZOOM meeting : Wednesday, April 29@ 10:00am

Check your e mail for the link

PART 2: Read pgs. 138-143

1. Vocabulary: add this word to your list:

  • renounced (pg. 144)

2. Wonder about what you read:

Aslan had 2 private conversations: one with Edmund and one with the White Witch. The author does not tell us what they talked about. Pretend you overheard each conversation Aslan had. What was said? Add dialogue in our paragraph.

*Write 2 paragraphs: for paragraph for each conversation (5 sentences each), and include dialogue.

  • 1st paragraph: (pg. 139 top) The conversation between Aslan and Edmund: After the private talk, Aslan said: "There is no need to talk to him about what is past." - so what did they talk about?
  • 2nd paragraph: (pg. 143) The conversation between Aslan and the White Witch: After the private talk, Aslan said: "I have settled the matter" - so what did they talk about?

Fix It

Week 19

1. Read/sing the preposition list each day so you become familiar with the prepositions. Use your resource when you are looking for prepositions on your Fix It page.

2. Complete Days 1&2 - don't forget to do the vocabulary for these days as well!

Fix It wk 19.pdf
Preposition list.pdf
FixIt wk 19