
April 27-28

Due Tuesday

email these to Mrs. Bristow (then put it in your folder)

Just Words

Unit 13: Week 2: -tion, -sion, and -ssion

1. Get Ready: you will need a piece of paper and pencil.

2. Watch the video and practice with Mrs. Bristow

JW U13 day 6.mp4


Read Chapter 13: Deep Magic From the Dawn of Time

***In this chapter, we return to Edmund's adventure. We will see how he is reunited with his siblings. This is the end of the 2 different story lines. From here to the end of the book, all the children will be together again.

The theme of this chapter is forgiveness. See if you can find evidence of this while you read.

PART 1: Read pages 134-137

1. Vocabulary: add this word to your list:

  • scornfully (pg. 135)

2. Double Story Line

Get out your paper that we are using to keep track of the two story lines (Edmund's Adventure and the Siblings" Adventure) and add chapter 13 thoughts to the Edmund's Adventure side AND the Sibling's adventure side!

3. Comprehension Packet page 2: Answer question 1

LWW ch13-14.pdf

Fix It

Week 19

Skill practice: Prepositions

1. Watch the video

2. Read the introduction to week 19 that tells about prepositions.

3.. Read the list of all the prepositions. There is one on the Fix It page, but I also included another one that is easier to read and that you can sing to! Read/sing it each day this week so you can get familiar with all of the prepositions.

4. Complete 2 worksheets

Preposition list.pdf
Fix It wk 19.pdf
Preposition wkshts.pdf