Friday, March 20th

Happy Friday! You made it through our first week of on line learning! Great job!

Today's Menu



Free Read


We will not read chapter 8 today, but will get ready for next week by looking at some interesting words in chapter 8

Vocabulary words: write the definitions on the worksheet or on a piece of paper

  • incident (pg. 81)
  • derisively (pg. 88)

Below the worksheets is a list of some difficult words Ms. Plimsole gave John in English class. See if you can read them by breaking them into syllables and circling suffixes (the letters c and g make an/s/ and /j/ sound because they are followed by an e or i), (tion says /shun/) After you try it yourself, go to, type in the word, You can have the word read to you and learn what it means.

John thought those words were hard. What do you think? Were they hard? How did you do? Send me an email to tell me what you thought and how you did. Click on the link below:

Free Read

Read for 15 minutes and record it on your reading log.


Write a story that includes all your spelling words. Underline the words.