Grade 4

Wednesday & Thursday,

April 15th-16th

Lessons Due Thursday or Friday

e mail these to Mrs. Bristow (then put it in your folder)

1. Fundations worksheet and practice from the video

2. The Chocolate Touch ch 9-10 comprehension papers

3. The Chocolate Touch e mail response


Today, we will review combining open syllables with other syllables

1. Watch the video and do the practice with me

2. Complete the worksheet

Recording #17.mp4
Microsoft Word - FUN-Phonics L3 U6.docx.pdf


The Chocolate Touch (Chapter 10)

Before You Read



  • Complete the vocabulary for chapter 10 (unprecidented, exhaustive)

Crack the Code

  • Read these words. If you don't know what they mean, you can look them up. If you are having trouble reading them, ask someone to help you, or e mail me and let me know. I'll help you!

(101) dread(ful)

(103) rec-og-nize(ing)

(103) frown(ing)

(104) pro-test(ed)

(105) sigh(ed)

(106) com-pound

(106) glint(ing)

(106) e-lix-er

(107) en-cour-age (ing)(ly)

(109) spurt (ed)

(109) choc-o-late-i fi-(ed) (is this even a real word??)

(109) choc-o-lat-i-tis (is this even a rreal word??)

(109) ex-cite(ment)


Chapter 10

After You Read

1. Complete ALL of the comprehenison packet pgs. 1-2.


I like how gentle and understanding John's Dad was while trying to help him. First, Dad tried to go back to the store, then he took John to Dr. Cranium. Do you think Dad believes John? I'm wondering because there was no store when John took Dad there, and when Dad took John to Dr. Cranium the text said Dad told the Dr. that John was "having a bad day", and had "trouble at school." What do you think? Does Dad believe John's story about what happened to him?

***to email Mrs. Bristow your thoughts, click on the "Talk to Me" link below***

choc touch 9-10.pdf
choc touch ch 10.pdf
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