Monday/Tuesday April 27-28

Due Tuesday

email these to Mrs. Bristow (then put it in your folder)

  • Multiple Choice page for the story
  • Fundations worksheet


Unit 13: double syllable: oa, oe, ow

New concept: spelling options for oa, oe, ow

1. Get Ready: you will need a piece of paper and a pencil

2. Video Activity: Watch the video & do the practice activity

3. Complete the worksheet

L2 U13 day 2.mp4
Slide 1.pdf

4. Trick Words: Practice every day. You can use your spelling menu activities if you want to, or print out the worksheet practice pages.

Remember: the words Monday and Tuesday are proper nouns and must have a capital letter!

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • cousin
Units 13 pRintable phonics.pdf

Units 13 pRintable phonics.pdf
Units 13 pRintable phonics.pdf


Before You Read

  • Vocabulary: write the definition for these words on a piece of paper:





  • Cracking the Code: sound out these words. I divided them into syllables for you:

rep u ta tion (tion = /shun/)

fre quent ly

ex cel lent ('c' sounds like 's' because it is followed by an 'e')

pre fer

stom ach (ch = /k/)

e norm ous (ous=/us/)

sub trop ic al


Tiger Sharks

After You Read

  • Complete the multiple choice page
  • You can watch the video to learn more!
(N) 4.27.pdf

Fun Facts