Call for Papers

This transdisciplinary conference invites original, innovative, and insightful research papers (full-length) in the prescribed format with a maximum of 5000 words, short communications (early research results up to 3000 words), demos, and research project reports in English on the theme and sub-themes (but not limited to) from diverse disciplines and groups, including academicians, scholars, policymakers, data analytics professionals, and NGOs. This includes disciplines ranging from environmental science, economics, computer science and applications, GIS, and remote sensing to anthropology, sociology, political science, history, media & communication studies, disaster studies, and library and information science. The submissions should describe original work and offer insights into new or emerging areas, innovative applications, and state-of-the-art reports. A panel of experts in the respective areas will review all the submitted papers. Selected papers will be published in the post-conference volume by a reputed international publisher with an ISBN.

Authors are encouraged to think out of the box and creatively showcase what is happening in their field. The review criteria include the relevance of the agenda, novelty of research, clarity, originality or significance of the contribution, and presentation quality.

Paper Submission Guidelines

Unpublished research papers are invited for presentation/publication in the conference. We encourage original and high-quality submissions that are not submitted to or accepted by other journals/seminars/conferences. Certificates will be given to all paper presenters. Original/unpublished research work on contemporary issues related to the themes and sub-themes can be submitted. The papers should discuss, analyze, and critique theories and concepts, or report original and unpublished research. The authors are also expected to highlight the relevance, the novelty, and the contribution of the submitted article in the cover letter. Please refer to the following guidelines for paper submission:

The paper must be written in MS Word typewritten in English (Times New Roman, 12-Point Font).

The first page contains the Title of the paper, Author name, ORCID, Designation, and Affiliation

A maximum of three (3) authors can contribute to a paper. **

The maximum length of a paper, including title, abstract, references, and appendices, is 5,000 words.

All citations and references should be in APA format (7th edition).

All papers should be innovative and maintain research integrity (COPE) and follow standard practice.

Submissions will be evaluated by at least three independent reviewers. The review criteria include relevance to the themes and subthemes, novelty, clarity, originality, significance of contribution, technical quality,

Submission Instructions

We welcome submissions of abstracts for papers (15 minutes).  All speakers must participate in person (online presentation only for exceptional cases). Abstracts should be submitted with the title of the presentation, extended abstract (max. 500 words), and 3-5 keywords including the name of the author(s), affiliation(s), and contact details of the author(s).

Submission Deadline

Abstracts should be submitted here no later than midnight (IST) on February 20, 2024. Papers should be submitted here no later than midnight (IST) on March 10, 2024.

Peer Review Process

All abstracts will undergo a blind peer-review process by the scientific committee of the conference. Applicants will receive notification of acceptance or rejection on or before February 20, 2024.