Educational Development Plan

Xello & Educational Plan Development

Aaccess Xello through your Clever Home Screen.  

9th Grade EDP

Future Plans


Personality Style

Save 3 Careers

Exploring Career Factors

Getting Experiences

Study Skills and Habits

Goal- at least 1

Course Planner

10th Grade EDP

Update Plans/ Pathways

Learning and Skills Lab

Work Values

Careers and Lifestyle Cost

Workplace Skills and Attitude

Program Prospects

Goal- 1 short term, 1 long term

Course Planner

11th Grade EDP

Update Plans , Pathways, and Careers

Choosing a College/ College Planning

Career Demand

Entrepreneurial Skills

Work/Life Balance

Goal- 1 short term, 1 long term

Course Planner

12th Grade EDP

Update Plans , Pathways, and Careers

Career Backup Plans

Job Interviews

Defining Success

Career Path Choices

Goal- 1 short term, 1 long term

Course Planner

Educational Development Plan

The EDP is a secondary/post-secondary planning tool to direct student’s educational plans and career planning activities. Caledonia High School uses the web-based system called Xello to help students write their education and career goals, including strategies and high school classes that will help them reach these goals. The first step in developing an individualized approach to learning is the EDP. An EDP documents an ongoing process in which a learner identifies both career goals and a plan of action to achieve them. The development of the EDP is accomplished as a part of a weekly seminar class throughout the entire school year and completed with the assistance of a school counselor. 

The Counseling Department has developed a yearly set of lesson plans to help students to follow the steps to use the many resources of Xello. Through the EDP process, each student becomes more aware of the connection between a career goal and the requirements for attaining that goal. The EDP also provides opportunities for a student to learn about himself or herself, to understand career pathway options, and to explore postsecondary education and training. The EDP engages each student to think about the credits he or she needs to take in middle school and high school, and how those credits coordinate with his or her career pathway so that an understanding of the relevance between high school and preparation for entering college or the workforce is developed.

Career Awareness 

To be effective, EDPs are dependent upon a larger career development and planning process. In schools, this process includes participation in career awareness, career exploration, career assessment, and a comprehensive guidance and counseling program. Connecting the EDP to a variety of other career development activities is critical to its meaning and success for students. EDPs do not stand by themselves. They are representative of an individual’s decisions and plans at various intervals in their educational experience. The EDP documents a student’s accomplishments at any given time in an overall career development and planning process. 

The Caledonia High School Counseling Department offers many other College and Career supports for students including College Visits to campuses, College representative visits to Caledonia, and visits to trade/technical and specialty schools. Students have an opportunity to learn about and visit the Kent Career Technical Center in 10th grade in order to attend in 11th/and or 12th grade. 

Questions about your EDP? 

Please visit the CHS Counseling Department in the North Campus!

Katie RietKerk

Last Names: A-F


Andrea Hilaski

​Last Names: G-Le


Cara Burk 

​Last Names: Lf-R


Kurt Hoffman

​Last Names: S-Z
