SHS Special Education

Dear Parents,

I want to thank you in advance for your dedication to your child's continued learning during this time of school at home. You are a fantastic team of parents, and I do not doubt that you will do all that you can to keep your student engaged in activities to stimulate his/her progress. I will be posting vocabulary on this website. I will send out texts with announcements on Remind. If you do not have the Remind app, please download it ASAP. My class code is @ea2d8. If you do not have the app, you can text that code to 81010.

We will be using Google Classroom for much of our work. Your students are already signed up for my Class. If you are able to, download the Google Classroom app for iPhone or Android. Another way to access it is to go to and click sign in located at the top right corner of the page. Every Caddo student has a Google account. Their log in email is their first and last initial followed by their student ID number without the preceding zero. The email ending is

Your student's password is their first and last initial followed by his/her birthday.

EXAMPLE: A student named Idawanna Dowork, School ID # 0987654, born on January 17, 2001


Password: id1172001 (Do not use zeros before months or days--Google hates zeros)

Southwood will be making calls about various things related to online instruction. Much of that will not apply to us. I am available to you when you need me. The form below can be used to ask me to call you, or you can text me or e-mail me. Please don't hesitate. As Ja'Hiem and his mom like to say--Team Work Makes the Dream Work!


Welcome to another school year! I am thankful to have the opportunity to work with you and your student. Select the links above for a summary of information about my class. You will find answers to commonly asked questions about my class, rules and procedures, my discipline policy, as well as information on how to contact me. If you would like me to contact you, please complete the form below.