Welcome to "dwell" - a place to spend time in God's presence. We're so glad you're here. We'd love to walk with you as you spend at least a brief time, each day, in the company of the risen Christ.

Each day we'll guide you as you step through a few simple (but deep) moves in God's presence. Do take your time with each one. Here's what we'll invite you to do:

1. Acknowledge God's presence.

2. Turn yourself to God.

3. Welcome a fresh awareness of God.

4. Reflect on a short passage from God's Word.

5. Dialogue with God. (We suggest you begin with the Lord's prayer, pausing and making each phrase your own.)

We trust you'll find great refreshment and strength in the presence of God. Please look for opportunities to share with others what you and they are hearing and experiencing during these special times with God...