7. Save preferred activities for incentives

  1. Motivation can be an important aspect to consider when your child’s normal routine is not in place and when the structure of the classroom is absent. It is important to take into consideration the things available to your child and use some preferred activities as motivation to complete school work.

  2. Restrict access to preferred activities for example, video games, electronics, movies, sweets, dessert, etc. and set up contingencies to earn these items. It can be as simple as ‘first complete a math lesson and then you can have some electronic time’ or ‘at the end of the day if you have 3 lessons done you can have some dessert’. More complex systems can be used as well, please refer to the section on token boards.

  3. In addition, give them free time, ensure they are getting time outside and fresh air, allow for some quiet time, silence and time to be bored. These times create space for creativity, independence and reflection.