1. Create a Schedule

  1. A schedule is important to establish so that you and your child know what is going to happen each day. This will keep you on track for completing not only school work but also physical activities, leisure activities and any other necessary tasks.

  2. Your child is used to following a daily schedule in the classroom so transferring this to the home will add consistency and familiarity to your child’s day. If you have access to your child’s work plan, use this as your schedule and add to if needed.

  3. There are many ways to set up a schedule; it may contain the whole day’s activities or just activities to complete for academic time. A schedule can be made each day or a week at a time. A few examples are included below for reference. These can be printed out, found on various websites or simply created on a wipe board or piece of paper. If you have any older child, include them in the process of creating their daily schedule as this will teach them organization and time management.