Cabrillo Dual Enrollment 

How to complete the 

Dual Enrollment Eform 

The Dual Enrollment eForm streamlines the process for students wishing to enroll in college-level courses at Cabrillo College. This electronic form, submitted each semester, allows students to indicate the semester they want to attend and the specific courses they intend to take. Additionally, the eForm serves as a platform for students to upload the required Dual Enrollment signature page, demonstrating consent from their parent/guardian (if under 18) and approval from their school to participate in Cabrillo's Dual Enrollment program. 

IMPORTANT: Submitting a dual enrollment eForm does not register students for a class or guarantee a spot in a class. The eForm only grants permission for students to register for the courses they list on their eForm & signature page. 

E-form walkthrough.2024.mp4

EForm how-to video 

Students can watch this video to see all the steps for the Dual Enrollment eForm or they can use the step-by-step directions below to guide them through the process. 

Steps for dual Enrollment eForm 

Step 1-Locating the dual enrollment eForm in Etrive Central 

Step 2-Etrive Central 

On the left-hand side you will need to select the Forms option. 

Step 3-INST-Dual Enrollment 

From the list of forms select INST-Dual Enrollment 

Step 4- I am registering as 

The first question on the eForm asks "I am registering as" Select the option that describes you

Step 5- Student Responsibilities/Policy & Guidelines

Read through all of the policies and guidelines. It is a student's responsibility to read through & understand all of this information. 

Step 6-Student information & course slection 

The section with student name, student ID, email, phone number, date of birth, and school are all prefilled based on the answers students provided on their application & can not be changed on the eForm 

Students need to select

The unit section will automatically be inputed. 

Course selection 

The courses listed on the eForm MUST match the courses that your counselor has approved on your signature page. You will only be permitted to register for courses that are listed on both the eForm & signature page. 

If you change your mind or want a different course after submitting your eForm you will need to submit another one.   

STEP 7- Indicating you have read, understood, and completed all the areas of the eForm. 

Read through the 6 items and indicate that you acknowledge and accept the above listed on the eForm. 

STEP 8- Attaching the signature page & submitting the eForm. 

ONLY use the signature page found on the eForm or from the dual enrollment webpage.  

At the bottom of the page there is a paper clip icon that says attachments.

Click on the attachments icon and select Upload Files. 

You can upload a copy of the signature page as

The image must be clear and readable. 

Once you have uploaded the signature page you will click the submit button 

A blue notification will appear on the screen letting you know that your eForm has been submitted

What happens after you submit your eForm?

After students submit their eForm it is added to a list for Dual Enrollment Department to process. Forms are processed in the order received and can take up to 7 business days to be processed. 

When en eForm is approved, denied or returned for correction students receive an email from

It is the student's responsibility to monitor their emails and the status of their dual enrollment eForm. 

eForm approved

If your eForm has been approved you can move on to registering for the class. 

eForm denied or returned 

If your eForm has been denied or returned we will leave a note on your eForm informing you why it was denied or returned. If it is denied you will need to submit a new eForm. If it was returned for correction you will need to make the corrections a submit it again.    

How to check on the status of an eForm

Students can check the status of the eForm in the system at any time under the Activity tab in eTrive Central. Find your eForm and and review the History. Once the form has been processed, you will see Approved and Workflow Ended under History. 

FAQ about Dual Enrollment eForm 

I submitted an eForm last semester, why do I have to do it again? 

Can I email you the signature page? 

I changed my mind and don't want to take a course anymore.

I just submitted an eForm 5 minutes ago can you process it right now?