Overnight Helpers 過夜

Overnight (8:30PM-6AM)

  • Before this time, we have already gathered the breakfast items and counted the number of lunch bags. If we have extra lunch bags, we give them to some of our guests who requested for them but do not stay overnight.
  • Guests who stay overnight may not leave our premise after 10:00 pm. If they do leave, they may not come back in. If they need to get something from their car, we must accompany them.
  • No overnight guests should be outside of the building or in the playground area after 10 pm. Lock all doors to outside.
  • We do walk around the church from time to time to see if any guests are outside smoking or making too much noise.
  • Remember we are not policemen and cannot expect to be. Call 911 if emergency arises.

週四 8:45pm – 6:00am(週五) 过夜

  • 准备自己的睡袋和过夜用品到婴儿室或儿童看护室。
  • 通常是两名同工,不和街友同一个房间。
  • 检查空调机适当温度(建议 70-72)。
  • 检查教会的门关闭,10 点钟没有特殊原因不能进出。
  • 10 点钟关灯,不能有人在室外过夜。
  • 响应夜间的特殊事件*,非紧急事件联系负责同工。如果紧急请电 911