Developing Middle Leaders in your School

Pathways Into Partnership 22.pdf

'There is a clear link between effective leadership which focuses relentlessly on improving the quality of teaching, leading to better learning and higher achievement of all learners.'

(Learning Leaders, 2016)

This page aims to increase the capacity of middle leadership in your school so that both the quality of teaching, and outcomes for learners, can be improved.

Using Learning Leaders to Help Develop Middle Leadership in your School

Day 2 Powerpoint.pptx TPL

Developing Middle Leadership in your School

This presentation is suitable for individual teachers or for those wishing to develop middle leadership in their school.


  • to develop an understanding of the role of school leaders in leading professional learning

  • to share and develop practice through collaboration with colleagues

  • to consider strategies for developing effective Teacher Professional Learning which leads to improved outcomes for learners

Stretch and Challenge Learning Module
Stretch and Challenge Learning Module
Copy of Stretch and Challenge TPL Jan 2021
Copy of Stretch and Challenge TPL Jan 2021
Day 2 Powerpoint.pptx TPL

Developing Middle Leadership in your School

This presentation is suitable for individual teachers or for those wishing to develop middle leadership in their school.


  • to develop an understanding of the role of school leaders in leading professional learning

  • to share and develop practice through collaboration with colleagues

  • to consider strategies for developing effective Teacher Professional Learning which leads to improved outcomes for learners

Day 2 Powerpoint.pptx TPL

Developing Middle Leadership in your School

This presentation is suitable for individual teachers or for those wishing to develop middle leadership in their school.


  • to develop an understanding of the role of school leaders in leading professional learning

  • to share and develop practice through collaboration with colleagues

  • to consider strategies for developing effective Teacher Professional Learning which leads to improved outcomes for learners

Lesson Observations

Unit 3 Peer Observation16 Jan (2)

Teachers Observing Teachers

This presentation may be used by teachers who are carrying out classroom observations or by those in middle leadership who are setting up this process in their school.


  • to reflect on effective learning and teaching

  • to consider peer observation as a vehicle for teacher professional learning

  • to develop the skills of peer observation

Action Planning in your School

When engaging in the action planning process in your school, it is vital that the following statement is your guiding principle.
“The identified priorities and associated action plans effect improvement in the children’s learning experiences and their attainment in a clear and measurable way and the school can demonstrate relevant evidence of improvement based on actions taken as a result of self- evaluation."
Inspection and Self-Evaluation Framework (ISEF) DE 2017 (pages 9-10):
Action Planning

Effective Action Planning: Quality not Quantity

This presentation is suitable for all coordinators or can be used by middle leadership when training new subject coordinators.


  • to outline the the action planning process

  • to explore key features of effective action planning

  • to explain the difference between monitoring and evaluation

The Action Planning Process

These notes accompany the presentation 'Effective Action Planning; Quality not Quantity.'

action planning process.docx
Blank Action Plan Template.doc

Blank Action Planning Template

Lit Action plan sample 2.docx

Sample Literacy Action Plan

Num Action Plan Sample 2.doc

Sample Numeracy Action Plan

Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and Evaluation

This presentation is suitable for all coordinators or can be used by middle leadership when training new subject coordinators.


  • to outline the school culture which is required for effective monitoring and evaluation

  • to explain the monitoring process and strategies used

  • to outline the issues to be considered when monitoring and evaluating

  • to explain the process of evaluation

Top Tips from Experienced Coordinators

Some practical advice from experienced co.docx
Co-ordinators File Contents.docx

Some Practical Advice from Experienced Co-ordinators Coordinator's Annual Monitoring and Evaluation File Contents

Additional Resources to Support You

GTCNI_Teaching the Reflective Profession.pdf
What-makes-great-teaching-FINAL-4.11.14 (2) (1).pdf

Learning Leaders Teaching: the Reflective Profession What Makes Great Teaching?

Unit 3ISEF-primary.pdf

Effective Practice and Self-Evaluation Questions for Primary

Unit 3Post-Primary ISEF.pdf

Effective Practice and Self-Evaluation Questions for Post-Primary


Peer Coaching

Rosenshine 10 principles of effective teaching.pdf

Roseshine's 10 Principles of Instruction

J. Hattie Mindframes for Teachers.pdf

John Hattie: Mindframes for Teachers


Powerful Professional Learning: a School Leader's Guide to Joint Practice Development

Videos to Support and Develop your Practice across the Northern Ireland Curriculum

The following video-on-demand recordings of the ETI webinars, and support resources, are freely available for teacher professional learning purposes.

Research to Support and Challenge your Practice

Research to support and challenge your practice can be found on the Education Endowment Website which includes teacher toolkits, summaries of educational evidence which shows what has worked best to improve the attainment of educationally disadvantaged pupils.

Initial Planning Sheet for School Based Action Research.docx

Initial Planning for School Based Action Research

Action Research Report Form.docx

Report on School Based Action Research