Laura McConkey

Leading a Nursery School Partnership

Cathedral Nursery School

Cathedral Nursery School is located in the Lower Falls Road area of West Belfast. They have a long history of participating in Shared Education and Cross Community initiatives with their partner Hope Nursery School which is located at the bottom of the Shankill Road.

This partnership has demonstrated the ability to break down barriers between communities and provide a wide range of new learning experiences for the pupils that attend their schools. A strong aspect of the partnership is the engagement with parents and how the have embedded Shared Education as part of the school life experience for all pupils.

The teachers within the partnership have developed professional and personal relationships which has enabled them to share expertise, experience and resources. Teachers regularly observe practice in one another’s schools and seek to learn from one another in order to improve the outcomes for their pupils.

Laura is an experienced Nursery Teacher who helps coordinate Shared Education. She is responsible for planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating shared activity across the partnership. Laura is also the Cluster leader within her partnership and also Holy Cross NS & Edenderry NS. She has worked with all four schools to create Joint Practice Development (JPD) Programmes which have addressed areas of need with the schools.

Key learning

When considering ways to develop your Shared Education Partnership

  • Recognise that parental and community buy-in and involvement in the partnership is crucial for progression

  • Teacher working collaboratively can share experience, expertise and resources in order to improve practice

  • Explore a range of curriculum areas that can be enhanced through Shared Education

Questions to consider for your Shared Education Partnership

  • What are the barriers and challenges to engaging pupils within Shared Education?

  • How can I connect more with the parents and the wider community within your partnership?

  • Is the pupil voice being captured in order to plan and evaluate Shared Education within your partnership?