Kenny Qua & Elaine O’Sullivan

Shared Education: Leading a Primary Partnership

Markethill PS and St. Patrick’s PS Crossmaglen

Markethill PS and St. Patrick’s Crossmaglen are both schools within small towns 17.5 miles apart. They have been involved in shared activities since 2009 including soccer tournaments and have had a shared band for the past ten years. They have shared many successful events including a Shakespeare themed night at The Market Place Theatre in Armagh. Their communities have benefitted from their partnership in a way they never could have thought possible.

Kenny Qua and Elaine O’Sullivan are currently the Shared Education Coordinators and have had many years’ experience in this role. They are responsible for the planning, delivery, monitoring and evaluation of Shared Education.

Key learning When considering ways to develop your Shared Education Partnership

  • Recognise the importance of building relationships and trust through regular staff contact

  • Involve the pupils when shaping Shared Education Programmes

  • Staff development of new skills through TPL Modules

  • Connect with Parents and the Wider Community to inform them of the work that is ongoing and the impact it is having

  • Provide opportunities for parents and communities to come together

Questions to consider when developing a Shared Education Partnership

  • Have you established professional relationships with all staff from your Partner School(s)?

  • Are Boards of Governors and School Leaders incorporating Shared Education within the School Development Plans?

  • Is the Pupil Voice visible within the planning, implementation and evaluation of Shared Education?

  • Has the partnership informed the parents and the wider community of ongoing activity and events?