Deirdri McVeigh

Post-Primary Partnership Case Study

St. Pius X College

partnered with Magherafelt HS, Rainey Endowed School, St Mary's Grammar, Magherafelt, Sperrin Integrated College & Kilronan Special School

This partnership has the capacity to reach up to 3500 students however, in real terms, approximately 1000 students from Years 9-14 have been involved in a range of projects over the last five years.

The partnership principals meet regularly for ALC and EF business with Shared Education and NSSI inputs becoming increasingly evident in their collective shared agendas and initiatives. This is the fifth year of SESP. Throughout this time there has been between 600 and 1000 students involved in a number of projects in a range of subjects including: Maths, Art, History, Drama, French, Government and Politics, SEN and Geography.

Deirdri is a senior teacher within St. Pius X and has been leading Professional Development, through Joint Practice Development (JPD). She is also one of the Shared Education Coordinators who has helped grow the partnership throughout SESP.

Deirdri is responsible for the planning, implementation and evaluation of Shared Education alongside the other Coordinators within this large Post-Primary Partnership. Her experience has helped progress the partnership through the ETI Framework for Partnerships.

Key Learning

When considering ways to develop your Shared Education Partnership

  • Understand the importance of Leadership in establishing a highly effective Shared Education Partenrship

  • Recognise the opportunities for subject areas to be enhanced through Shared Education

  • Identify the benefits of Shared Education across a range of Post-Primary Schools

Questions to consider for your Shared Education Partnership

  • How is Shared Education embedded across your organisations?

  • Have the BOGs been involved in supporting the work that is ongoing within your partnership?

  • Has there been an opportunity to collaborate across Departments in order to improve experiences and outcomes for pupils?

  • Does your partnership provide opportunities for staff to share practice and explore new learning together?

  • Has your partnership aligned Staff Development Days in order to support Professional Development?