Byfleet Primary Newsletter

Twitter: @Byfleetprimary

  • We ended this week's Poetry Week with each class sharing a 'poem off-by-heart' to the rest of the school in our Poetry Assembly. Why not ask your child to recite it to you at home. Please see our Poetry Competition within this newsletter.

  • We've had a busy week with a trip to Thorpe Park, a Fantastic Fred Mental Healthy Show and our Bible group 'Open Book' hosting an assembly.

  • Thank you for the Harvest food donations that you've sent in so far. Further information can be found in the newsletter below.

  • What a wonderful cake sale Reception and our PTA Friends arranged last week. A terrific £300 was raised - thank you so much everyone!

  • We hope the parents who attended Mrs Sherlock's Early Reading/Little Wandle phonics workshop found it useful. If you missed it, find the information shared here, on our website.

  • The roof works continue to be underway and we are on track to have this work completed by November. We can't wait for our school to finally be water-tight!

  • Don't forget it's Tray Day on Monday 10th October (3.05 - 4.30pm). Come and visit your child's classroom and let them show you their books. If you arrive after 3.05, please enter/exit via the main office.

  • This week we had a fire drill practise and we were pleased to see the children and staff response so well and evacuate the building safely and smoothly. Fire safety is so important - well done everyone.

  • Parent Evening booking is live so please book your slot to meet with your child's class teacher - see dates at the end of the newsletter.

Stars of the Week

Well done to the following children for being recognised for doing something brilliant this fortnight......

Reception Rainbow Chester P Liam VW

Year 1 Red Arabella M Quinn C

Year 2 Orange Sienna C Roman Z

Year 3 Yellow Harry P Chloe W

Year 4 Green Elsie William

Year 5 Indigo Charlotte T Earth Rihen

Year 6 Blue Cameron D

Year 6 Violet Megan V Oliver R


Thank you for continuing to help us improve our overall attendance and for reporting your child's absence to the office by 9am.

Please remember to contact the office for every day that your child is off so that we can account for your child.

Byfleet Attendance 2021/22 was 93.76% Surrey 2021/22 was 94.04%

Well done to Year 5 for having the highest attendance in September. They are the lucky class who get to sit on the benches during assembly in October.

Which class will be October's top attendance winners??

Fantastic Fred Experience - building resilience

On Wednesday, we were delighted to have the Fantastic FRED Experience visit Byfleet. A team of actors came into school and delivered performances specifically designed to inform, equip and build resilience. They delivered the message in simple, memorable and practical ways explaining how children can look after their own mental health and explained the link between physical and mental health. This show was delivered to children in Y1-Y6.

What the children thought of the performance:

'It was very good and funny and it taught us about how to look after yourself' (Olivia C. Y5)

'I thought it was exciting andf I learnt FRED is for Food, Rest, Exercise and Devices.' (Stanley, Y5)

'It was funny because we had to use the 'Fred you're not listening' sign twice! I was also the one who realised that FRED stands for Food, Rest, Exercise and Devices' (Jackson, Y2)

Please ask your children about the show and find out what they learnt from the performance.


We have a number of interventions to support children running in the school, and any groups your child is part of will be shared with you at parents evening. For children on the SEND register, you will have received a link to book an extended appointment with your child's teacher so that the teacher can also share your child's SEND support plan with you. Here is some information about two of the additional provisions we have at Byfleet.

Literacy for All: This is a new intervention that we have started for a few pupils this term.

What is Literacy for All?

Literacy for all reading intervention is based on Direct Instruction, Assessment Through Teaching and the principles of Instructional Psychology.

What do pupils get out of it?

• Accelerated reading accuracy and fluency.

• Accelerated generalisation through increased reading of real books.

• Increased vocabulary and improved comprehension skills.

• Research impact evaluation on Surrey pupils demonstrates statistically significant progress with reading accuracy and fluency as well as increased confidence and enjoyment of reading


This year we have Ms Wyatt supporting as our ELSA. An Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) is a trained, school based learning support assistant. Their role is to support the emotional wellbeing of pupils. They are trained by a team of Educational Psychologists and receive ongoing group supervision.

The role of the ELSA is to develop children and young people's emotional literacy, positive mental health, social skills and emotional wellbeing.

A few pupils are selected to have 1:1 sessions with our ELSA (based on need), and we review this termly.

Ms Wyatt has done a fantastic job of making our ELSA room look inviting and comfortable. Thank you to everyone who donated items towards this. It is now a wonderful and relaxing place for our pupils to have ELSA sessions.

Book Buddies

Our children have been assigned 'book buddies' from different classes across the school. This week the children enjoyed meeting with their book buddy to share and discuss a book together.

Our Byfleet Reading Shed

Our Reading Shed on the playground is for everyone!

Parents and families - please feel free to visit our Reading Shed at the start and end of the day if you wish to pick a book to take home and enjoy with your child. No need to ask a member of staff, just please help yourself!

Reading Plus

How does Reading Plus work?

  1. All children in Year 3 - 6 have a 'Reading Plus' log on, which can be found in your child's diary.

  2. Teachers have assigned reading assignments to be completed at home online (in addition to daily reading of a book which is recorded in their reading diary). The children can also search for stories and articles that interest them.

  3. Reading Plus looks at 3 things: feelings toward reading, vocabulary and comprehension

  4. A benchmark has already been carried out on your child to make sure that we are targeting their reading at their current reading ability level

  5. Reading Plus uses artificial intelligence to adjust to programme to ensure your child's gaps are plugged. This includes increasing or slowing down their reading speed to ensure they are reading for meaning. It tracks their independent reading rate.

  6. By scoring a minimum of 80%, we will know that your child is reading 'well'. This is the I-Rate.

  7. Next the programme focusses on the G-Rate. This tracks the reading speed.

  8. We aim for your child to be reading at 80%+ for their I-Rate and their G-Rate. If they achieve above 80% for two consecutive stories, then they earn a COMBO.

  9. Your child will be awarded certificates and lots of motivation through praise if they earn combos.

  10. There is a support-mode if your child is struggling. This allows the child to get extra help like more 're-reads', allows them to read at a slower pace and guided feedback. Children can still earn a combo in this mode, called a support-combo.

See the images below to find out more about how you can use Reading Plus at home with your child.

Speak to your class teacher if you need any further help with this. We'll share more information on how we use Reading Plus in our Parent Reading Workshop on Tuesday 15th November.

By scoring a minimum of 80%, we will know that your child is reading 'well'.

This is called the 'I-Rate'.

The G-Rate (guided rate) is identified through a guided window which guides your child's eye to ensure they are reading at the appropriate speed (not too fast or slow).

Again, we are aiming for 80% or more in the G-Rate.

Your child should aim to earn a 'combo' in both their I-Rate and their G-Rate.

We're aiming for above 80% in both.

This will allow your child to read faster with a better comprehension rate.

How do you earn a combo?

Your child has to reading two stories in a row with 80% or higher to 'unlock' the next set of stories. This is called a 'combo'.

There are 5-10 combos in each level.

Don't forget to log on to Reading Plus at home each week.

need to speak to your child's teacher....?

Please feel free to contact your child's class teacher if you need to query anything.

Please see our protocol for speaking to staff below, from our prospectus (which can be found on our website).

Byfleet Harvest Festival

Every year we think of those less privileged than us and we offer food donations to the Woking Food Bank. We will advise all parents/carers closer to the time what food items they require.

Collections will start from Monday, 10th October and the deadline for collection is we will be Wednesday, 19th October 2022. So please let you child/children bring in their donations and give them to their class teacher.

Woking Food Bank currently need the following items on their website: Donate Food

National Poetry Day Competition -

National Poetry Day is Thursday 6th October but at BPS, we will be celebrating POETRY all week (Monday 3rd - Friday 7th October).

We'll end this week off with a wonderful poetry sharing assembly so don't forget to ask your child to perform their class poem at home to you at the end of this week.

As part of this week, we are encouraging our children to take part in a poetry writing competition for our children aged 7+.

If you care about nature or protecting the planet, we’ve got the competition for you.

Greenpeace’s first Poems for the Planet competition, in collaboration with National Poetry Day, invites you to put your poetry hat on. They'd like to read your lively limericks, heartful haikus and polished prose on the theme of hope and the environment.

For this year’s National Poetry competition, explore the beauty of the natural world around us and the need to protect the planet. We’d love to read about whatever inspires you to write a poem for the planet.

Click here to find out more about entering Greenpeace's poetry competition.

Competition closes on 1st December at midnight!

Pupil Special Leave of absence Requests

At time, parents may need to take their children out of school for exceptional circumstances. During term time, it is important that we are aware of the whereabouts of all of the children who are on roll with us, for safeguarding purposes.

Please could you help us monitor this by completing a 'Special Leave of Absence Request' form for all anticipated absences.

This is a reminder that all special leave of absence requests must be completed and returned to the school office no later that two full working days prior to the event. The form can be found on our website under Attendance and Absence: Application for Leave of Absence for Exceptional Circumstances

BPS DISCO 2022 - Friday, 14th October 2022

Friday, 14th October 2022 - Friday Night Dance Fever is back!!

KS1 : 4pm to 5:15pm

KS2 : 5:30pm to 6:45pm

Tickets are £5 each

For further details please click here

Year 5/6 Thorpe Park #Steam Visit

Year 5 and 6 had an amazing time on Tuesday at a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) led trip to Thorpe Park. However, before they were allowed near the rides they had to do some learning. The children completed various tasks including coding, robotics, having a go at different musical instruments, learning about the Bloodhound (the car that is trying to beat the land speed record), talks with the RAF and the army to name just a few. You may have seen BPS on TV this week as the event made it onto ITV news.


Trips and Voluntary Contribution

We are always looking for different learning opportunities and trips to enrich our children's curriculum and conscious about the cost of these for our families.

The trip costs consider the overall costs of transport, entry fees etc. which is then divided equally amongst the total number of children in the class. We always try our best to reduce the cost by funding some of the costs before asking parents for a voluntary contribution.

In 2021/22, the school took a large financial hit as a proportion of families did not contribution towards their child's trips, for example: the school had to fund £480 towards Mc Grammar in the summer as insufficient parent contributions of £3 were received. We indicate that these payments are voluntary as these learning opportunities and trips are not statutory but planned by the school as an enrichment to allow our children to experience new and exciting learning that enriches their curriculum experience.

We recently wrote to Year 5 and 6 parents outlining a difficult situation we found ourselves in, as less than half of the voluntary contributions had been received for the Thorpe Park trip, which would have resulted in the school being left with a £440 bill, on top of the contribution BPS had already made. If the majority of the outstanding funds had not been secured, we would have been left in the unfortunate situation to have cancelled the trip. Following our extended deadline for payment, thank you to everyone who contributed, therefore allowing the Year 5/6 Thorpe Park trip to go ahead.

We kindly ask that parents please communicate with the admin team confidentially if they are experiencing difficulty in making their contribution so that we can look to set up a payment plan or agree for a minimal contribution. Moving forward, unless sufficient funds are received, we may need to cancel trips or only allow those who have contributed to attend. It is unfortunate to have to take this stance however it important to we outline that we are all feeling the financial burden with rising costs. Please reach out to the admin team if we are able to help in any way.

Reading Volunteers

If you are keen to become a Reading Volunteer and offer up an hour or more a week in a dedicated slot to read with our children, please register your interest here and Mrs Sherlock, our phonics lead, will be in touch to arrange this.

  • All volunteers in school will require a DBS

  • If you previously worked as a reading volunteer at BPS, please reregister your interest and we'll be in touch

Spelling Shed

Spelling Shed is a fantastic online resource we have invested in to help our children from Year 2-6 embed their spelling knowledge.

Each child has a weekly set of spellings to learn and they can practise these on Spelling Shed through assignments set by teachers or through choosing ways to practise them themselves.

Children so far have found it a fun, helpful and engaging way to help them with their spellings!

Teachers have given children their logins but if there are any problems logging on at home please let your class teacher know. See your child's diary for their log on. Enjoy!

Breakfast & After School Clubs

  • Breakfast and afterschool clubs are run by the school. The clubs are non-profit making and the fees are used to run the clubs. Fees are paid via our online SCOPAY payment system (and Childcare Vouchers can also be used) and are bookable in advance only.

  • The clubs are booked half-termly and need to be booked 48 hours in advance. Once you have booked these sessions they may only be cancelled if more than 48 hours notice has been provided. Any spare spaces or ‘late bookings’ may be booked on an ad hoc basis where we are able to accommodate this with the correct staffing ratios, however this will incur an additional admin fee of £2 per session, per child. Bookings will need to be paid for at the time of booking using SCOPAY. Please note, we run a cashless office so unfortunately cannot accept any cash - all bookings are to be made online please.

  • Our clubs are filling up fast, so please book early to avoid disappointment.

  • For more information, please see our website.

Year 4 Learning

Year 4 have been enjoying their recent learning in Science, all about electricity. Having spent some time learning about the different types of electrical appliance we use and electrical dangers, the children had a go at creating a simple circuit to light up a bulb. All the children successfully managed to make their circuit work, after a little problem solving.

They had to make sure the batteries were correctly placed into the holder, the light bulb was securely fastened in its holder and the wires were only connected to the metal parts of the components, whilst maintaining the safety rules of working sensibly, using the equipment only as advised and never using any broken equipment.

Year 3 Learning

During Maths, year 3 have been using manipulatives to help add 3 digit numbers together. Once the children were confident using the manipulatives we moved on to doing it on white boards and our books. During this time they have learnt how to use the column method and how they have to rename the 10s and 1s. Why don't you ask you child if they can show what they have to do.

Diversity Weeek

Last week four pupils were awarded a certificate and book prize for their terrific diversity posters. I think you will agree we have some very creative and talented pupils at Byfleet!

The prize winners were:

  • Arabellla Year 1

  • Zaynab Year 3

  • Kurt Year 4

  • Roma-Rae Y6

There were so many great posters, and we will be using them to put up displays around the school. We have already put some designs in the front foyer - do take a look next time you are in the school

Drop off & Pick Up - Parking

As per our last newsletter, for school drop off and pick up, parents or carers should be respectful of our neighbours' driveways.

  • no parking over any driveways

  • turning around on any driveways

  • no parking on pavements

  • no parking at anytime in front of the school

Remember to drive slowly down Kings' Head Lane and do not block the entrance to the school or the care home.

We are receiving an increasing number of phone calls and emails from parents and neighbours asking us to intervene as parents are parking across their driveways or driving / parking erratically, so we politely ask that you help us out.

We have been asked to post photographs of parents who have parked inconsiderately. We do not wish to use a punitive approach however there are the same parents who are repeatedly flaunting our requests.

Please do send in any photographs you wish for us to add to our newsletter if you feel parking continues to be a concern.

Please do not stop your car in front of the school gates to drop your child off. This is very dangerous for the families walking in to school.

Kings Pre-School

Just a reminder that Kings Pre-School are a separate company to the school so please ensure that your child/children are not playing down the Kings Pre-School the pathway. They should be supervised at all times while waiting outside the school during drop off or pick up times.

School lunches - Dinner Debt

Following the success of Thursday's Harvest Festival lunch and the increased uptake in school dinners, please ensure that you check your child's Scopay account for any monies owed.

Uniform Sales

Mike Wagstaff, our uniform supplier will be visiting the school the first Tuesday back after half term, which is the 1st November 2022. If you have any queries please contact him via email :

Secondary School Admissions - Year 6 Parents

An exciting time for our Year 6 pupils............Just a reminder to all year 6 parents to register your child's Year 7 school placement. Deadline is 31st October 2022 via Surrey County Council's website. Further details can be found here.

FullBrook OPen MORNINg - YEAR 5/6


Our last open day is Thursday, 3rd November.

We only have a handful of spaces left before we are fully subscribed in all year groups!

Class Assemblies

Class Assemblies for 22/23 will take place on the dates below from 8.55 - 9.20 in main hall. Please come along and see what your child has been learning about:

25th November - Year 6V 9th December - Year 4

27th January - Year 3 3rd March - Year 6B

17th March - Year 2 12th May - Year 1

9th June - Year 5 23rd June - Reception

Ultimate Coaching - Half Term CAmps

Please find booking links for Ultimate Coaching for their camps over the October Half Term

Bookings can be made at: (24th & 25th October multi sports camp) (26th October football camp) (31st October Spooky Sports camp- Inset day)

Pleiades holiday Camps

Staines Hockey Club - Hockey camp

Raring2Go! Magazine

Raring2go! Esher and Weybridge Autumn magazine edition is packed with information on days out, half term activities, and a look ahead to Christmas, as Santa and festive productions get booked early.

The link is here:

The Big Summer Survey

Children's Commissioner for England has launched, the Big Summer Survey. It is a national conversation with children in England about their experiences over the summer holidays.

The Big Summer Survey forms part of their Independent Review into family life which will inform the Government about the best ways to support families across the country, including what role schools can play.

The Big Summer Survey will close on 21st October.

Top Doodler of the Week

Well done to these children for scoring the highest Doodle Stars in their class this week!

Year 2 Orange Teddy D 260 Lula 228

Year 3 Yellow Andrew J 368 Darren W 226

Year 4 Green Sophia 206 Sophia 173

Year 5 Indigo Katherine J 469 Daniel K 162

Our top spot winner is Katherine with 469 stars!

Diary Dates

New dates in red

  • Friday 9th October - National Poetry Day for all children

  • Monday 10th October - Whole school Tray Day 1 - 3.05 - 4.30pm - come and visit your child's classroom

  • Monday 10th October to Friday 14th October - Year 6 Bikeability

  • Monday 10th October to Wednesday 19th October - Harvest Festival Collections

  • Tuesday 18th October - Parents' Evening 2.30 - 5.30pm

  • Thursday 20th October - Parents' Evening 3.05 - 6pm

  • Monday 31st October - INSET 2

  • Thursday 10th November - SEND Parent Workshop 8.50 - 9.50am. All year groups' parents welcome.

  • Friday 4th November - Dog Safety Assembly for the whole school. Don't forget to ask your child what they've learnt about Dog Safety afterwards.....

  • Monday 14th November - Anti-bullying 'Odd Socks' Day (start of Anti-bullying Week)

  • Tuesday 15th November - Reciprocal Reading (comprehension) parent workshop 8.50 - 9.30am

  • Friday 16th December - Last day of term - 1pm finish

  • Tuesday 17th January - Maths Calculations Policy parent workshop for all year groups 8.50 - 9.30am

  • Careers' Week - 23rd January - we will send out information shortly requesting parents who wish to share their careers with our children to come in and take part in our Careers' Week

  • Monday 6th February - Whole school Tray Day 2 - 3.05 - 4.30pm - come and visit your child's classroom

  • Friday 10th February - INSET Day 3

  • Monday 20th February - Safer Internet Day

  • Thursday 9th March - SEND Parent workshop 8.50 - 9.50am. Parents from all year groups are welcome.

  • Monday 13th March - British Science Week whole school event

  • Tuesday 21st March - Parents' Evening 2.30 - 5.30pm

  • Thursday 23rd March - Parents' Evening 3.05 - 6pm

  • Friday 31st March - Last day of term - 1pm finish

  • Monday 17th April - INSET 4

  • Thursday 18th May - SEND Parent Workshop 8.50 - 9.50. Parents from all year groups are welcome.

  • Thursday 25th May - Byfleet Annual Family Picnic on the field - everyone welcome.

  • Diversity Week - 25th May

  • Friday 26th May - INSET 5

  • Thursday 29th June - Reception and KS 1 Sports Day (contingency 6th July)

  • Friday 30th June - KS 2 Sports Day (contingency 7th July)

  • Friday 7th July - End of year pupil reports sent home

  • Monday 10th July - Whole School Tray Day 3 - 3.05 - 4.30pm

  • Friday 21st July - Last day of term 1pm finish

Why not download the Optimistic October - Action for Happiness Calendar :

To view our 2022/23 term dates, please click here.

To view our 23/24 term dates, please click here.

The same child in both photos. The only difference is how they're dressed.

As we approach shorter daylight hours, whether you walk, cycle, use public transport or drive, make sure you have been seen. Just remember the nights are drawing in.