Byfleet Primary Newsletter

Twitter: @Byfleetprimary

Pre-Ordering School Lunches via ScoPay - Great Response!!

The school office would like to thank parents for pre-ordering their child's school lunches via Scopay. By Thursday, this week we only had a couple of pupils where hot dinners were not pre-ordered.  

The new process is working well and has helped the office with getting the lunch orders to the kitchen on a timely manner and also giving teachers and pupils more time in the morning.

If your child is absent, please report this on a timely manner (before 9am) so that you will not be charged for your child's school lunch on that day.

harvest Festival Contributions - Thank You

A big thank you to all parents, carers and pupils for your generous donation to the Woking Foodbank.

All donations were delivered by our lovely volunteer parents, Mr & Mrs Piper on Wednesday, 2nd November 2022.

St Peter's Children's ward gift Appeal

At Byfleet Primary, we think it is important to help the community, what better time than at Christmas. This year, we have chosen to help the children’s ward at St Peter’s hospital. 

The team at St. Peter’s hospital have created a Wish List of toys that will distract and amuse children while they wait to get better and return home. The games, toys and crafts all help to make hospital stays more pleasant, especially longer stays away from family, friends and school.


If you would like to help, please do not feel that you have to stick to the wish list not forgetting the teens! 

Please send your gifts into school by 1st December. Make sure you check the delivery address when ordering to make sure it doesn't go directly to the hospital as we hope to take some of the children to deliver the gifts directly. 

If you would like to help, visit their Amazon Wish List page.

Stars of the Week

Well done to the following children for being recognised for doing something brilliant this fortnight......

Reception Rainbow  Lilianna   Juno

Year 1 Red                 Albert  Casey

Year 2 Orange         Roman  Lula

Year 3 Yellow          Jay   Ivy

Year 4 Green         Albie   Ethan & Penelope

Year 5 Indigo         Darcey   Keke

Year 6 Blue            Ella   Lana

Year 6 Violet        Maisie   Mia

Linking parent accounts to doodle maths @ home

Parents of Year 2 - 6

We continue to work hard to encourage your children to use their Doodle Maths log on at home daily so they can stay in the 'green' zone by doing about 10 -20 minutes of maths each day.

We have noticed that fewer children are taking time to log on to Doodle at home and we'd like to reignite the children's excitement to log on and 'doodle' each day. Log on details can be found inside your child's reading diary. To download the Doodle app, find out more here.

By linking your child's school Doodle account to your personal email, you will be able to monitor how they use Doodle and will be able to add lessons that you wish your child to focus on more at home, if you spot any particular area of weakness. 

Please click here to find the article on how you can 'link' your child's account to your email at home. This will transform how your child uses Doodle to its full capacity. 

If you have any questions related to Doodle, please speak to your child's class teacher.

Happy doodling!

House Points

Odd Socks Antibullying Week Info


Anti-Bullying week 2022 takes place from the 14th to 18th of November 2022, and this year the theme is ‘Reach Out’. Over the week children will  take part in activities to help them think about what bullying is and what they should do if they are worried about themselves or someone else being bullied. It is important all children know how to ‘reach out’ and talk to someone if they are worried about bullying.

On Monday the 14th of November we will start the week with an important assembly to introduce the week and Odd Socks Day. 


Odd socks day is part of Anti-Bullying week.  To celebrate the fact that we are all unique, we ask that children wear odd socks to school on Monday the 14th of November with their usual school uniform. Last year over 13, 000 schools took part in Odd Socks Day. Andy Day (CBeebies/CBBC) and his band Andy and the Odd Socks have recorded a brilliant song for Anti-Bullying Week and Odd Socks Day called ‘Calling Out’  Please have a listen to it with your children - see below.

If you would like any more information please take a look at the parent information pack attached from the Anti-Bullying Alliance.

Year 1 DT Projects & Fairytales

We have been preparing to write our own version of the fairytale Cinderella. The class has been enjoying getting into the theme and there has been a lot of excitement around the ball next Thursday. 
In DT we have been using mechanisms to make fairytale creatures appear from behind fairy doors. We will be following this with making our own wooden fairy doors. This week the class have been drawing their designs, some of which are very ambitious.



This week we had our Inclusion Coffee Morning for parents to learn more about the different waves of provision we have in place to support all pupils at Byfleet. We discussed high quality teaching strategies, additional interventions that run at Byfleet and the specialists who come into school to support a few children. 

We also shared information to parents about external agencies and charities that offer support in Surrey, and useful websites all parents can access to find additional suuport. Please see links to these sites below:

SEND Advice Surrey provides information, advice and support to parents, carers, children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) aged 0 to 25 years. The information, advice and support they provide is impartial, confidential, free and at ‘arms length’ to the Local Authority. Their experienced team will listen to your concerns and discuss any issues in confidence. 

Learning Space is a children’s emotional well-being and mental health charity that provides individual and group support for 5 – 18 years olds in Surrey. They have support groups for children and courses parents can attend, along with lots of useful guidance on strategies to support your child.  They support on  a range of needs such as anxiety, anger, low levels of confidence and self-esteem, bereavement, bullying, friendships and family issues. 

Mindworks  is the emotional well-being and mental health sevice in Surrey. They use a THRIVE approach to support families and young people. 

You can find out about the support they have available and find links to useful resources on their parents and carers page: 

The Surrey Local offer page also has information and resources for parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disability (SEND). 

Year 6 Learning

In Year 6 this week, we have been reading our class text - The War of the Worlds. In writing we have been focusing on our grammar and punctuation skills by using fronted adverbials, subordinating clauses and commas in a list. In History we have started our Edwardian era topic and we have been exploring and researching the social changes that occurred during 1900 to 1914. We have also started designing our DT project, which will be to create our own badges in support of the Suffragette movement in the early 20th Century.  

Year 2 trip to windsor castle!

Year 2 had an exciting trip to Windsor Castle. We explored the chapel and paid our respects to Queen Elizabeth II; we experienced an interesting self-led tour around the castle's rooms where we saw lots of ancient paintings and relics. 

We also enjoyed a thrilling workshop where we learned about Medieval castles and their features. All in all, it was a fantastic day out! 

Little Wandle Phonics

Reception and Year 1 children will be coming home today with their login details to access the Collins Big Cat ebook library. Alongside the username and password, there is also information about resources and how to access audio. Once you have logged in, you will land in the library. Here you will see any books which have been assigned to your child by their teacher. 

Changes to Year 1

Children in Year 1 will now be completing their reading practise sessions in school on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. They will bring their reading book home on a Friday and we ask for it to be returned by the following Tuesday. 

Reception and Year 1 children continue to work hard in their daily phonic lessons. The link below takes you to the parent section on the Little Wandle website. The resources on this page will help you support your child to say their sounds and write their letters. There are also some useful videos so you can see how they are taught at school and feel confident about supporting their reading at home. 

A big thank you to Mrs Sherlock for working so hard behind the scenes on preparing our Phonics curriculum and reading books.

National Poetry Day Competition 

National Poetry Day was Thursday 6th October but at BPS, and the children at BPS enjoyed celebrating POETRY all week between Monday 3rd - Friday 7th October.

We ended off that week with a wonderful poetry sharing assembly so don't forget to ask your child to perform their class poem at home to you and see if they can remember it. 

As part of this week, we are encouraging our children to take part in a poetry writing competition for our children aged 7+. 

If you care about nature or protecting the planet, we’ve got the competition for you.

Greenpeace’s first Poems for the Planet competition, in collaboration with National Poetry Day, invites you to put your poetry hat on. They'd like to read your lively limericks, heartful haikus and polished prose on the theme of hope and the environment.

For this year’s National Poetry competition, explore the beauty of the natural world around us and the need to protect the planet. We’d love to read about whatever inspires you to write a poem for the planet.

Click here to find out more about entering Greenpeace's poetry competition.

Competition closes on 1st December at midnight!


Please note that there is now a drawer box in the School Reception area where you can find parent requests forms (Special Leave of Absences Request Form, Pupil Medical Appointments Form , Pupil Medication Request Form and Chartwells Forms for Special Dietary Requirements.  

If you need one, please help yourself and once completed return to the School Office via Reception or place the completed form in your child's book bag. 

Pupil Special Leave of absence Requests

At time, parents may need to take their children out of school for exceptional circumstances. During term time, it is important that we are aware of the whereabouts  of all of the children who are on roll with us, for safeguarding purposes. 

Please could you help us monitor this by completing a 'Special Leave of Absence Request' form for all anticipated absences. 

This is a reminder that all special leave of absence requests must be completed and returned to the school office no later that two full working days prior to the event.  The form can be found on our website under Attendance and Absence: Application for Leave of Absence for Exceptional Circumstances 

The Education (Pupil Registration)(England)(Amendment)  Regulations 2013, state that Headteachers may  not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. 

If you take your child out of school without the approval of the school,  and the total amount of absence is 5 or more days, (including this absence) you will be liable to receive a Penalty Notice for failing to ensure your child’s regular school attendance.  

Each parent will be liable to receive a Penalty Notice for each child who is absent.

The Penalty Notice is for £60 if paid within 21 days and £120 if paid after 21 days, but within 28 days.  Failure to pay the Penalty Notice will result in you being served with a summons to appear at the Magistrates Court.

Reading Awards

Daily Reading

We are proud to announce that our first BRONZE reading award was given to Penelope in Year 4! Well done for reading x5 per week!

Each child can earn Reading Awards for reading daily.

Bronze = 50 reads          Silver = 100 reads             Gold = 150 reads                  Platinum = 180 reads

We attend school for 190 days a year. We aim for children to read x5 per week to allow them to reach the 180 Platinum mark. This could include the weekend if they can't fit in 5 reads during the busy week.

We will only count one reading 'entry' per day in your child's reading to count towards their award but please feel free to record all the reads completed per day if you wish. 

Our policy outlines that children read everyday so please help them achieve this by making time to record their reading in their diaries each night. Children from Year 3 upwards are independent enough to record this themselves so please continue to encourage them to do so!

For Autumn 1, here are our reading award results on track for their Bronze Reading Award:

Reception: 19% on track                        Year 1: 55% on track                                Year 2: 23% on track

Year 3:  14% on track                              Year 4:  31% on track                                Year 5: 18% on track

Year 6B: 27% on track                            Year 6V: 53% on track

Reading Volunteers

If you are keen to become a Reading Volunteer and offer up an hour or more a week in a dedicated slot to read with our children, please register your interest here and Mrs Sherlock, our phonics lead, will be in touch to arrange this.

Voice in a million 2023

There are 10 spaces left for VIAM 2023 and they are filling up quickly! If you'd like your child to participate, please register through the website and let the office know.

Click on the links below to get an idea for what to expect!


Year 3 GREEK Day

 Year 3 had an exciting day dressing up as Greeks for the last day of term. The children all came to school dressed as Greek soldiers, Gods and Goddesses. During the day we were able to have a look at ancient artefacts that included a greek vases and coins. Learn the greek alphabet and had a go at writing their names using the greek alphabet and have a go at creating a clay tile inspired by the Greeks

To finish the day we had feast of different foods from the Ancient Greeks may have eaten. This included figs, honey, olive oil, bread, olives and dates all washed down with a glass of grape juice. A really lovely day and a great way to end our Greek topic. 

Year 4 ROMAN Day

 Just before we broke up for half term, Year 4 had an amazing Roman themed day. The children all came to school dressed as Roman soldiers, emperors and Gods and Goddesses. They all looked amazing! During the day the children learnt some Latin, had a go at designing their own mosaic, took part in a chariot racing game which tested their Roman numerals knowledge and explored different Roman artefacts. The day was wrapped up by a delicious feast of foods the Ancient Romans may have eaten. This included figs, honey, olive oil, bread, olives and dates all washed down with a glass of grape juice. A really lovely day and a great way to end our Roman topic. 

Dog Safety TRAINING 

The lovely Katie Brill and Nyala (see below) visited our School Assembly on Friday, 4th November where the children learnt all about how to approach a dog safely.                   

Top Doodler of the Week

Well done to these children for scoring the highest Doodle Stars in their class  for the past two weeks!

Year 2 Orange  Jackson 210  Ezra 237

Year 3 Yellow   Andrew 498  Ottilie 464

Year 4 Green  Zach 194

Year 5  Indigo  Daniel  194  Mason 488

Year 6 Violet  Sophia 272

Year 6 Blue  William 241

Our top spot winner is Mason with 488 stars!

Class Assemblies

Class Assemblies for 22/23 will take place on the dates below from 8.55 - 9.20 in main hall. Please come along and see what your child has been learning about: 

25th November - Year 6V             9th December - Year 4

27th January - Year 3                     3rd March - Year 6B

17th March - Year 2                       12th May - Year 1

 9th June - Year 5                             23rd June - Reception                            

Diary Dates

New dates in red

To view our 2022/23 term dates, please click here.

To view our 23/24 term dates, please click here. 

The same child in both photos.  The only difference is how they're dressed.

As we approach shorter daylight hours, whether you walk, cycle, use public transport or drive, make sure you have been seen.  Just remember the nights are drawing in.