
My name is Takoma Coons. I was born in Salt Lake City, Utah on May 12th, 2007. I decided to join Rage Page because I have a passion for writing. English has always been my favorite subject. Some of my other favorites include Dr Pepper, Raising Canes, and K-Pop. I also love my job. I work at Starbucks and I love making the drinks and interacting with the customers. My favorite drink is an iced Chai Tea Latte with one pump of brown sugar, one pump and vanilla, with cold foam and caramel drizzle on top. My favorite season is fall. I love the cold weather and the colorful leaves. I also love my pets. I have two dogs, an Old English Bulldog named Lacey (but we call her Chunk) and a Morkie named Thor. I also have a black cat named Cowboy. When I graduate I would love to go to Cosmetology school and become a makeup artist and Estetician. I have gotten some practice in by doing my friends’ makeup for homecoming and even my friends’ moms’ makeup for their special occasions. I also was asked to do a bride’s makeup for her wedding. I am also taking the steps to shadow a makeup artist.